Monday, October 8, 2012


Sometimes back I watched the movie ‘The Balck Friday’, need not to say it is very well-tailored. I think it is Anurag Kshyap’s first movie too. 
Well I am not going to discuss the movie here. But if you guys have seen the movie its start with a very very Strong sentence “An Eye for an Eye will leave the world blind”.Very strong lines indeed.

People are becoming intolerant day by day. Even some so-called Gandhian have left his principle behind. Recently Mr Arvind Kejriwal's action of reconnecting the power line, I personally condemn  his action. 
It may be people friendly but do we see at what cost?  Tomorrow I say Government is doing nothing for North Easterner , I want separate country or else I will attack all Government institutions. Or a Kashmiri shouting for an independent country or else fight with India , Are this acts justifiable ?

 So where are we going,am I saying do not protest or fight against an atrocity ? 
No, but first respect the fact that we are leaving in democratic setup and we have to believe in this setup. 
Fight for the cause but in a proper democratic way, Keeping in mind the basic  fundamental of democracy –Majority wins . If we will all start  an eye for an eye soon we will became next  Afghanistan or Pakistan. 

By the way what Trigger me to write this blog is not Mr Arvind Kejriwal but My Cook Mr. Khogen Das.He told me a very beautiful story from Ramayan

It is believed that Sri Rama cursed the monkey clan, that they will never have a house of their own.
 But why did Sri Rama cursed the monkeys , who help him so much to win against the mighty Demon King Ravana. The story goes like this when Hanuman came from Lanka and told Sri Rama that he had burned the entire Lanka when Ravana tried to imprisoned him and set fire to his tail. All the monkeys present there were very happy with this victory of Hanuman. 

But Sri Rama though he was concerned about Hanuman’s well being condemn the act saying this heinous act of yours has cause unnecessary pain and trauma to many innocent  men ,women ,children and aged people of Lanka without any fault of their own , to make Hanuman and others present there to realize the same trauma and pain the Lord cursed entire monkey clan that they will never have house of their Own.”
The moral of the story whatever be the cause..JUST  WATCH  YOUR ACTION