Thursday, April 11, 2013

Allah will take care of me...

I was going through the meaning of "Allah" in the wiki ...well it means God .
And thank God! God does not have any religion :)

Oh I am not going to give any lecture on communal harmony or spirituality as it’s not my cup of tea.
Today I am going to narrate a childhood incident of mine which remind me of my very old friend Anjuma (Lutfira Begum).
I don't remember exactly how old I was the, may be in class IV or V.
I had this fear in mind what will happen after death. I will never able to see my loved ones and my friends. I will miss all the new things which will come in future; sometimes I would think I am immortal like many others.

We had a chapter in English about the great pyramids of Egypt, no offence but it made my life more miserable. For many days I could not sleep at night or play with my friends. I didn't wanted to discuss mortality issues with my parents or sisters.

So I decided to find myself what are the different possibilities after death.

I ask my friends about what they think about the matter. Most of them were like " I don't Know Types” .

But this friend of mine Anjuma gave a very shocking reply and very satisfactory reply.

She told me "I will be very happy when I will die, because ALLAH will take care of me and I don't have to worry about myself and other things"  with most amazing smile.

Believe me her lines console me very much and after that I didn't had any sleepless night for many years..

This was one of the incident that made me realization of God