Sunday, May 18, 2014

thank you

Thank you. Yes its you.. Thank you for reading my blogs. And I m very very sorry for being so ungrateful with my blog and not appreciating it...
But why? What happen suddenly?.I got enlightened.  It is a very nice feeling which cannot be expressed in words when a complete stranger stops by your blog, read it and like it... And if someone leaves a comment its icing on the cake. LAST week I went home and took a break from my not so happening routine life...believe me its always best to take a break and then bounce back with full energy. I realize the key to happiness is in my own hands.    While coming back I watched a movie called Julia and Julie... I was feeling as if its my own story..exception I don't love cooking that much . OK I will not tell you the story watch for yourself.  

This movie took me to my past... How eagerly I would each day check my blog stats to know who all are reading, from where in the world, people liking it or not... Its little crazy but it gave great joy...😊.  Somehow I stopped. But I tell you its great great feeling to interact with you all. I would like to mention about one stranger..who really really motivate me...and its you Gautam.. Thanks a lot. I will keep blogging.. Because this is my priced possession.