Monday, June 9, 2014

To Baba

This is one of my unpublished blog written away back in Sept 2012...

Sept 2012

Now that I completed reading the kite Runner, I feel like writing my feelings.

I never liked or loved a book so much before.
Now let me sit down and try to analyze whats so touching about it?

I loved Aamir's Baba's character , may be I can relate the man to my own father. How people use to love him. How is use to help others, how he used to stand up against things he thought was wrong without caring for his life.
The way Aamir's Baba stood up against the Russian soldiers for the Afghan lady when they were fleeing from Kabul to pakistan. Even his religious sentiment's were same as of my father.

My Baba never went to any temple in his life time. I remember when we were kids, entire family use to go for Durga puja celebrations in different pandals but Baba never did any puja...

During Vishwakarma puja he use to clean his schooter and our car and even ask Gopal Uncle (Baba's office driver) to clean his old Mahindra jeep. He use to give donation for the puja celebration but never ever he did any puja..

It was only after my Grandparents death, I saw him putting a diya and agarbathi every morning and evening. In the evening he will take bath lit a diya and agarbathi in front of their(my grandparents) photograph and then only he will have his whishky.
I never liked his drinking , I failed to understand why he liked his drinks so much....may be he was addicted to it..
Sometimes you get habits from the society where you are born..Like for us Mishing “Every little things starts from apong and every big thing ends at apong”..

I miss him very much. Every time, I read the story Baba's character reminds me of my baba.
Like Aamir I have my own secret, by the end of the story Rahim Khan help him him to come out of guilt , How I will come out my guilt?