Saturday, February 6, 2016

An Ideal Day

An Ideal day in my life

To get up really early as early as 5:00 in morning 
To open the curtains of room 
To welcome the first sun rays 
To listen to the bird cheeps 
To feel the dew drop.
To pull on my walking shoes and my old tee 
To head for a walk in woods or to a lake nearby.

To prepare a cup of black tea (lal sa) with two Britannia two biscuits
To spend time with my plants, soiling and watering them my plants and to talk to them, 
To appreciate every new flower that blooms and welcome every new leaf.

To have a nice breakfast, may be luchi and aloo matter gravy (best is cooked by Maa).
To Oil my hair, to a home pedicure and manicure 
To have hot water bath and some music.
To Cook my lunch and enjoy the rice and chicken curry with lots of aloo J

To watch an old movie in the TV or to paint whole afternoon
To sleep for half an hour ….
To get up from siesta and to have my chai 
To sit in the balcony and to read an old book or new magazine
And as the sun goes down the sea,
To get out of room and head for a walk to local market with lots of local vegetables –cabbage, tomatoes , eggplants 
To have Gaarma-Garam samosa and chicken chop from the corner shop
To come back home and to take quick show
To lit a small diya or candle and pray my lord with whole heart
 To head toward my study table and to learn new things every single for few hours 
To have my dinner with my loved ones 
To watch a happy family show in TV together 
And finally to fall in deep sleep in a cozy bed....

Is it so difficult to get a perfect day in life!!                       

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

falling in love once again

This time finally with me myself . loving oneself is absolute necessary but it also important to maintain the fine line between loving and getting self obsessed.

Rediscovery myself again again and again ..and life goes on.