Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The man & The Wild plant

Let me tell you a very strange story of a man and a wild plant.

There lived a guy surrounded by a lot of people but still very lonely. He had a big house with all the comfort , but something was missing, he had the feeling that its a big house but not a home.

One day he saw an unusual plant in the woods. He immediately fell in love with the wild plant. The little plant nervously smiled back. The man took the plant to his house, planted it in a beautiful pot , watered it , took best care possible. The wild plant was very happy as it was the moment she has been waiting all her life. 

The man's effort finally paid off with beautiful exotic wildflowers blooming from the plant. They both were happy & complete, it made the big house a home.

But the happiness didn't lasted too long. As more and more flowers bloomed, a deadly Japanese beetle got his eyes on to the plant. The Japanese beetles are actually quite attractive. It will be hard to recognized it as a deadly predator.

The ignorant plant thought its a friend; the man keep warning it is the worst enemy and it will ultimately kill the plant.
The man keep trying to protect the plant but with no support from the plant, slowly, the evil beetle was successful to get into the plant. 

The beetle ate the portion of leaf between the veins. 
The man made desperate attempts to save the plant. 
The beetle jeopardized not only leaves of the plant but the flowers too became meal for it. 

The man got into a depression and his well wishers got worried for him. They suggested plucked out the sick plant and throw it . Its high time to get new healthy plant and move on.

The plant had too late a realization of a friend and foe. 
The beetle had ate up all her flowers and leaves but still her roots were secured tight under the soil in the pot. 
She shamelessly and desperately asked for another life, crying, begging, pleading him not to pluck her from the pot and save her.

Emotionally strained the man had enough , one fine day not only he unrooted the wild plant and throws it out of fence but also planted a new beautiful rose plant in the pot, making it absolutely clear that there is no place for the wild plant in big house anymore.

The rose plant is still healthy with beautiful red roses, the man still taking great care. The wild plant managed her root in field outside the fence.

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