Monday, October 18, 2010


I dedicate this blog to the most convenient vehicle of all the time and to our Super Drivers D-AUTO-WALAS of India. Yes you guys are guessed it correctly I am talking about the great Indian Auto Rickshaws. I am penning down various incidents that occurred with me and few of my friends while travelling in an Auto(Auto Rickshaw) and characteristic of Auto-walas in different States in India. I would request all you guys to share your experience and comments too.
MUMBAI RICKSHAWala: I would rank them highest among all of their breed because of three reasons a) justified fare rates 2) commitment toward work 3) their Honesty.
Law of Meter rules the city of Mumbai. You don’t have to tell specifically ‘Bhaiya Meter se chalo’ even in your dreams unlike the other cities. Commuting in Mumbai at times can became really painful specially if there is a strike or sudden band supported by some or other political parties.
Recently there was a sudden band and I had to go out urgently for some work. No Auto, Taxi was ready as the band supporters may smash their vehicle. After much waiting one aged gentleman agreed. He said “Madam you have to give me ` 80 and I will drop you do your destination one matter what”. After we travel a few yards some guys tried to stop the Rickshaw, they had lathees and cricket bats in their hands. I was really scared but the man told “you don’t worry and don’t come out of the vehicle and I will take cares of this guys”. He shouted back at them “Don’t even dare to think about doing any harm to my vehicle or hurt my passenger”, there was a strange courage and intensity in the old man’s voice. All the guys move back making a safe passage of the Rickshaw to pass.
Once I was traveling from Mumbai to Navi Mumbai. One had to change Rickshaw while entering into the new city. When I was just about to reach my apartment, I realize that I missed my folder with my Original certificates in the previous rickshaw. I neither had vehicle number nor my folder was having my name and address. I became more worried as the folder was having all the certificates starting from my Class X to the latest job experience letter. So I decided to go back to the point from where I hauled the Auto ( Powai near Human Mandir). I went there and start enquiring randomly to rickshaws standing there. They inform me that there is rickshaw union in powai ( near the mandir itself ) where drivers deposit all the items which customers missed placed in their rickshaws and you can go there and enquiry there. I went there and to my greatest relief I got my folder back. The Driver had deposited it and went.
I will write about the KOLKATA RICKSHAWala (very sweet but all know too much of sweet is really really injurious to health),BANGALORE RICKSHAWala (Severely suffering from identity crisis ),DELHI RICKSHAWala ( Most courageous & Outsmart among the breed), SMALL TOWN RICKSHAWala ( Mostly School drop outs , Unemployed youths with rickshaw fare comparable to real estate property is some states) in coming blogs as it was getting too long and I didn’t like too long a blog. 

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