Thursday, July 28, 2011

Handling Trouble @ trouble times..

Its very strange how human mind works.
Have you ever realized how your mind works in trouble times. Once I went for a lecture by his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. His topic for lecture was "How to handle Trouble times in your life". The one and only one solution he gave was to remain Calm and cool. The more calm your brain is the more easily and quickly you will get rid of the trouble times.

All of us know this remedy but whether we follow this remedy in our daily lives .
Off late I started following this "Mantra" and believe me it works. It really really works wonder.  In our school syllabus  there was a poem which says "never get scared of any Problem..just think the way problem came by it will go away itself". No one likes to be ignored not even our problems.
"Don't give your problems that much importance that it does not feel like going away from you".  Neglect it  don't make it the only purpose of your life..otherwise it will never leave you.

One peculiar thing I realized this week , I have read this in Akbar-Birbal Comic but didn't understand the deeper meaning that time.
The story goes like this...
 Once THE GREAT Emperor AKBAR took a piece of paper and drawn one line on it. Then he asked his learned courtiers to make the line small without erasing the existing line. Every one looked at each other.Then Mr Intelligent (Birbal ) took the piece of paper and he draws another line bigger than the line drawn by Emperor. The first line automatically became smaller...

Whenever I am in problem. I will think OMG! this is the biggest trouble of my life..but once I encounter other bigger problem I don't take the previous problem that seriously..It happens with me..don't know about you guys..

But One thing is common for all of us..@trouble times please talk to you family, Your friends, your loved ones..
It will give you the courage to hold on and overcome the problem..

For Now Enjoy the happy times...
Ranjeeta ..28th July 2011

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