Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning Enlightenment

Place : My Bedroom, 7:56am .Bangalore..

Hah..After long time I am Pushing myself to write something. 
All these days why I was not writing anything, the same old answer, I was busy with work, I could not get time..blah blah......
It because I am too lazy and love lazing around all the time. .. OK now leave that.
So what should I write about now. Lets take up Time Management.

Hey wait no I am not giving some tips from some self help books, you can get easy and quick access of them.Its nothing but my routine saga.

Today morning I got up at 6:45am, by the way my alarm clock is always set @5:20am but I think I hardly woke up @5.20am.
 Every morning after getting up I became very anxious about pending things.
...OMG where to start from is the most frequent question.

7.20 am got the news paper , I read the head lines, city page and of course  the editorial page.
By 7.45am my helper Anitha was on the door. I asked Anitha  the usual question  “How is your Son? Drop him to School”. She replies back as usual “yes  DIDI”.  

Me : Tell me what time do you get up in the morning?
Anitha : 4.00am (laugh) Didi.
Me still in state of shock...what!. 
She smiled and replied back “yes Didi, I get up at 4.00 clock..cook breakfast & lunch for my Husband, Mother-in-law and for myself. It will be done by 5.30 then I cook snacks for my kid. Get ready and make my kid ready by 7.00am, drop him to school and then I came to your house  and there after other houses in the apartment. My work will be over by 1.00pm or 2.00pm then I will go back and do cleaning, washing other activities. Again from 4.00-6.00pm I will sit with my kid and help him in doing Homework (by the way Anitha is literate as well as Educated , she has done her HSS). Then again cooking , cleaning ...blah..blah and by 9:30-10:00pm I am done with everything and off to sleep.."

I was astonished by her revelation.I think I am enlighten now and this blog is the immediate outcome of my enlightenment.

By the way this blog is dedicate to two workaholic People..Miss Sareeta Mandavkar ,of course my dear Anitha without her help I would not have written this.

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