Saturday, September 1, 2012

No Monster in the Lake...

The Kite Runner , didn’t  took long to complete the book.

But I know for sure it will take many lives to understand it.  Somewhere I feel like I have an epiphany.Epiphany..important to know for good or for bad. The antagonist had this epiphany which made him a psychopath , a crazy fanatic.
Well thank god..I had an epiphany which is positive. There is so much in the book. 

Well night before the kite tournament, Hassan had this strange dream. In the dream every boby in the town asking them (Amir and Hassan)not to go into the lake as there is a monster below. The monster will kill them. But the boys didn’t listen  and they swim across the lake and tells everyone that there is no monster in lake and came out as sultan of Kabul. When they came out they were welcome by the cheerful crowds.
So the question is Was there any monster in the Lake? No for Hassan but yes for Amir. The monster is no where in the lake.But it is deep  inside our heart. If we allow the monster to make room in our heart  it will be there, always looking for a chance to scare us and stop us for judging what is right and what is wrong.
Like Hassan if we believe there is no Monster life will be far more easy and we will come out as winner in what we king of Kabul..

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