Monday, September 17, 2012

Best Valentine day

Sometimes one moment can change you life for ever.
 I know  some of you might have experienced that moment. But if you believe me you will get several moments like that.Well  I am going to tell you a story, friction or real one , I leave it to best of your judgement.  
I clearly remember  it was the evening of 13th Feb 2010. I was waiting for him to come and clear all the difference for ever. The mall was painted in red color , heart shaped balloons, happy and cheerful crowd, young couples all over the places. I was anxiously looking at the watch .How shall I start, what should I say, will things between us will be alright again...phew ..God Help me today..Tomorrow is the Valentine’s Day , if things go well, It will be the best valentine or else ...No no..I don’t want that to happen.

Suddenly , I saw him coming towards me.
“Hey Hi!” he said.
Yeah “Hi!..After long time we are meeting. How are you? And How is your work?
“ I am good, Oh Gosh lots of work. I simply don’t like the job and I want to change my job asap. Well forget it , tell me how is your new job. Are you liking it?”

I said “Hmm  Would you like to have Tea or Coffee?".

“yeah ! I will have Tea and you coffee right?. I will get it ,please sit here I will be back in moment with my tea and your coffee.”
How shall I start but I have to clear things today...
Yeah here is your coffee. Tell me you wanted to tell something important today. I hope we don’t end up fighting again today". He smiled at me.

We were meeting each other after 3 weeks . I said “ remember that few days back I asked you to list 10 important things in your said changing job and getting good money, get a groom for your elder sister, to buy a house asap and a few things which I don’t remember ..and I asked you where I am in your life. You said to me that day from now onwards you have think before replying to my questions”
I asked you the same question today “where am I in your Life ?” . He didn’t replied anything. “Okay forget everything else .. ”Do you love me? “  I asked point blank to him . He could not avoid me this time , he said “ I don’t know”. 
“what the hell you were doing last two years? I thought we are in a relationship and you are telling me today that you don’t know whether you love me or not.”
“I think I like you but you know my problems I have elder sister who is yet to be married. How can I marry before her, I need to buy house here in Mumbai and you know its so damn costly here and my know I don’t like it. You are small town girl  and you have this irritatingly suspicious nature. I do have friends who are girls and I cannot stop talking or meeting them because of you.”
“Are you saying its over for you?”. “ No I never said that, I need more time”. ..
Time for what..How can you do this to me? I know god is punishing me for sin I have done.
“Hey Please stop crying here and don’t make a scene here, you know I don’t like all these.  We will talk later.Its already 8’clock in the evening , let me drop you home ,my mom is waiting for dinner. Please we can be good friends, you know I care for you. I like you but you know I have so much of family pressure”
“Just go away , I want to stay alone for some time and will go home myself.”
Then I saw him going without even looking back again. I wish he turn back to me once and all this is not real but a dream, how can he say ‘He don’t know whether he loves me or not after two years’. Why the hell he did this to me and that too pretending so innocently. No it can happen ......
I was so lost in thought , all the moments when we were together Haji Ali, Colaba,Movie Halls , Malls, Nasik, office canteens ..keep coming to my mind. 

I know he is angry with me , so he said like that..I know he cares for me and he will come back.Oh god I wish he comes back to me and say that its not true..
My mobile rang.....Oh thanks God its him, I knew he will call me back and he is here and looking for me “Hello”. “Hello, where are you? Are you still in Mall..there is a blast in city at 8:30pm ..German Bakery. Police has declared a high alert”.
“I am still in the Mall?”.
“OK go home fast , take a rickshaw or cab. Its not safe outside.” I hang up the call and started laughing out loud. 
Bullshit ..I was crying for this person , who does not deserve to be called as man..Forget Loving me, this person cannot love anyone. Police has declared high alert and its dangerous ....I could stop laughing and thanking God from bottom of my heart for making the next Day as my best valentine Day ever. I was out of my worst nightmare and stepping to a beautiful morning.....

Believe me after that all my valentine days were best days ever..