Thursday, March 20, 2014

Loving Myself...

No , This blog is not for you, It is for me, myself.
This blog is to boost my struggling self esteem.
It is an honest assessment to find out where my life is heading ?
Let me do this by introducing myself all over again. Who am I?
Ranjeeta Pegu official and "lulu" for family and friends.. I don't know what to say next as my Intro..
I work as a software professional in a big MNC....Is this who am I?
I don't agree to that but than what else ?
Past couple of days I am not happy but I don't know why I am not happy, I have every reason to be happy .. my awesome husband and beautiful family.
 My jobs give me good money but I don't like it.
 Each day I am feeling low. Each day it is hitting my self confidence level.
 I know I can do much better but I am not doing it. So is this the reason for my unhappiness.. Or to put it in a different way "Should it be reason for my Unhappiness"....

I know I know all of you will say "No it should not be". Some will say "I should leave the job and look for other job"..Some will say "Do whatever you like to do" but what is that I like to do is a BIG question???

And Most hilarious thing is that "I DON"T KNOW what to do "
Did I hit the mid-life crisis so Early..........
BUT I promise the situation will not be like this for long............
I will find the way that will make me happy...
As someone said correctly " Happiness is found all along the Way Not at the end of the Road"

Do You see the Ant..its my Inspiration///

1 comment:

  1. जीवन के दिन छोटे सही, हम भी बड़े दिलवाले -
    कल की फुरसत हमें कहाँ - सोचे जो हम मतवाले !

    तुम्हारा ब्लॉग एक पुल है -- अतीत और वर्तमान के बीच। अतीत जब वर्तमान था, हमने कितनी आसानी से उसे छोड़ दिया और आज वो ही अतीत छोड़े नहीं छूटती है.
    तोड़ने और रोकने की इसी जद्दोजहद के बीच फुरसत के दो पल मिलते हैं तो तुम्हारा ब्लॉग पढता हूँ. एक यही तो है बीच में -- और क्या?

    My regards to you awesome husband and beautiful family.
    keep the ball rolling, Lulu.
