Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Unique Temple of Sri Rama.."Kodandarama Temple"

Hi Friends!

Happy New Year to you ..I hope still not very late to say that..
So how was your new year? Good, Better than previous or Best till date...

My New Year begins with a short trip to Chikkamagulur. I am going to take you to a very beautiful and ancient Rama Temple in Chikkamagalur. This Temple is very different from all the Rama Temple I have seen till date. Here is why it is different from other Rama temple
1. Sri Rama without Hanuman
2. Sita on the right side and Lakshmana on the left side.

Sri Rama without Hanuman, I know it is strange but to according to the legend Sri Rama came with Sita to this place just after their marriage and till that time Hanuman is not in the picture :)

Usually if we see any image of Sri Rama, Sita and Lakshmana , always Lakshmana  is on the right side and Sita on the left side.

If the folklore is to be believed .. God Parshuram also Know as Bharagva could not attend Sri Rama's wedding with Sita. So when Sri Rama along with Sita came to meet the warrior saint here, he requested Sri Rama to show his marriage scene (obviously facebook, watsapp were not available that time). So Sita stands to Sri Rama's right side and Lakshmana to his left, as per the tradition in Hindu marriage ceremonies.
And if you have read Ramayana or seen it on TV, you will know the Hanuman comes into Sri Rama's Life only after Sita was abducted by King of Lanka Ravaana..

In this temple Sri Rama is called as Kodandarama as Sri Rama and Lakshmana his brother are depicted holding arrows in hands.

It is a mesmerizing experience in this place. I swear the idols here is amazing and class apart.
I read this in wiki about the idols "The idols are best described by the poet Sri. Da. Ra. Bendre: "All the three idols appear to be walking towards the viewer looking at the placement of their feet. The sculptor has carved intricately the crown, jewellery and the positions of the bodies. Sita’s posture, eyes looking down, her jewelery are sculpted really well."
--.. I know you will agree me.. I completely agree the poet.
So Guys ..take out sometime and visit this place...Kodandarama Temple of chikamagalur

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