Monday, December 5, 2016

Don't worry be Happy

In every life ,we have some trouble ..
when you worry , we make it double ...don't worry be happy
don't worry happy
don't worry .... be happy
don't worry happy now...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The man & The Wild plant

Let me tell you a very strange story of a man and a wild plant.

There lived a guy surrounded by a lot of people but still very lonely. He had a big house with all the comfort , but something was missing, he had the feeling that its a big house but not a home.

One day he saw an unusual plant in the woods. He immediately fell in love with the wild plant. The little plant nervously smiled back. The man took the plant to his house, planted it in a beautiful pot , watered it , took best care possible. The wild plant was very happy as it was the moment she has been waiting all her life. 

The man's effort finally paid off with beautiful exotic wildflowers blooming from the plant. They both were happy & complete, it made the big house a home.

But the happiness didn't lasted too long. As more and more flowers bloomed, a deadly Japanese beetle got his eyes on to the plant. The Japanese beetles are actually quite attractive. It will be hard to recognized it as a deadly predator.

The ignorant plant thought its a friend; the man keep warning it is the worst enemy and it will ultimately kill the plant.
The man keep trying to protect the plant but with no support from the plant, slowly, the evil beetle was successful to get into the plant. 

The beetle ate the portion of leaf between the veins. 
The man made desperate attempts to save the plant. 
The beetle jeopardized not only leaves of the plant but the flowers too became meal for it. 

The man got into a depression and his well wishers got worried for him. They suggested plucked out the sick plant and throw it . Its high time to get new healthy plant and move on.

The plant had too late a realization of a friend and foe. 
The beetle had ate up all her flowers and leaves but still her roots were secured tight under the soil in the pot. 
She shamelessly and desperately asked for another life, crying, begging, pleading him not to pluck her from the pot and save her.

Emotionally strained the man had enough , one fine day not only he unrooted the wild plant and throws it out of fence but also planted a new beautiful rose plant in the pot, making it absolutely clear that there is no place for the wild plant in big house anymore.

The rose plant is still healthy with beautiful red roses, the man still taking great care. The wild plant managed her root in field outside the fence.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coping with Unexpected things!!!

Wow.. what a morning Mr Trumps wins US election.WOW ..WOW....WOW..

Seriously this year has taught me unexpected things happen. And you actually can't do anything about it. 

The best way to cope such situation is pretend being stupid, say wow!!! and laugh out loud !!!

So a big big WOW!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sunbath Kanchenjunga

Hi Dear Blog,

Good Morning , after a long tym and I really missed you a little.
Some times , its good to leave everything and rejuvenate yourself.
Thats exactly what I was doing all this time.  I travelled back to memories lane , I dived into mysterious future and discovered the idea of Existentialism. Giving meaning to life.... or giving no meaning to life. In a much simpler word "authentic living".

Lets discuss this philosophy some other day.

In this trip to India , I had this amazing privilege to see first rays of sun falling on mighty Kanchenjunga. I swear it is one of the best sight I have seen in recent years. Its truly divine, I close my eyes and can still feel the air. I have decided , no matter what I will keep coming to himalayas just to see the first rays of sun. All my pain , all my sorrows , all my guilts , all my tears gone. I can really understand now why people use to go Himalayas to find peace :)

Pardon me for my picture.

 Save Himalayas, Save our planet.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Nazar mein rehtey ho jab tum nazar nahin aatey

I think my mind and soul  finally got that skill to listen a song and feel in  love with it and realized its from my favorite favorite Gulzar.

Some how , I bumped to this song today and listening it for 100th time now... and just wanted to check the lyrics and amazingly it is Gulzar. Its divine , something can't be express in words ,,,

Dikhayi dete hain duur tak ab bhi saaye koi
Magar bulaane se waqt lautey na aaye koi
Chalo na phir se bichhayein dariyaan bajayein dholak
Lagake mehendi sureeley tappe sunayein koi
Patang udayein chhatton pe chadh ke muhalley waaley
Falak to saanjha hai us mein penche ladayein koi
Utho kabaddi kabbadi khelenge sahardon par
Jo aye abke to laut kar phir na jaye koi
Nazar mein rehtey ho jab tum nazar nahin aatey
Yeh sur milaatey hain jab tum idhar nahin aatey
Nazar mein rehtey ho jab tum nazar nahin aatey
Yeh sur bulaatey hain jab tum idhar nahin aatey

Friday, August 26, 2016

My story in 3 movies

Hi there,

After a long time, I feel motivated to type-in my feelings in this blog page of mine. And I promise its not a two liner or a few lines from some song which tells my feeling

Writing your emotion in plain words is not the easiest thing to do, there is a certain anxiety , a fear in opening up and revealing your secrets to the world. But it is always good to open up and speak to someone and if you don't feel comfortable to speak to anyone in this world , write your crazy thoughts.

Okay , going back to the motivation behind writing this blog is the movie Brooklyn(2016), which I just finished.  past couple of weeks, I have seen quite lot of movies both Hollywood and Bollywood.  But I feel very difficult to connect with the portrayal of woman in hindi movies , its not that I don't like them but never makes an impact on me at least.

I don't like the stereotyping of woman. The few movies which I could really relate to was Brooklyn, MonaLisa Smile  & Eat Pray Love

Well again I am  digressing from the topic. Lets start with the Brooklyn track of my life , in this movie , the protagonist leaves her country Ireland, with minimal resource and lands to  Brooklyn,NewYork, where she works hard  to make livelihood. It is so difficult to leave our family behind and land up in a new place, all alone without your support system around you. Everyone has to deal with the fear, the feeling that you don't belong to this place and then there is a sudden demise of a very dear and close person back home. You are shattered. Don't jump to a conclusion , the movie does not ends in a depressing note  the Protagonist meets a nice boy who is Italian and they fall in love and married and starts their life in Brooklyn.

Falling in love is a great feeling, sometimes people fall in love more than once in their life. So here starts the Mona Lisa Smile track of my life. I had beautiful , ugly , crazy relationships in past and I have a beautiful and great husband now.
Was I faithful? 
This question pops up to my mind sometimes and I tired searching the answer and every time I feel that I was faithful because at that time I was thinking it is the most right thing to do. I never ever intended to hurt anyone's feeling or cheat on someone but may be I was immature , I thought it is the correct thing to do, may be I wasn't grounded  or may be there was something going on my mine. May be I wasn't confident about myself, the way I look, may be its the new independence I got while coming out of small town.  But certainly I was faithful to my heart at least.

I also found there is a rebel inside me thats wants to break the norms and do adventure and there is a fearsome side of mine , which stops me and always seek a support in someone.

Now the third track of my life Eat Pray love
Things may be not exactly the way you want. Some times you messed up the thing , some times its god who messes the thing for you but every time you feel down dejected shattered , collect all your pieces and keep moving ..keep moving forward has more surprises , there are many successes and failures yet to come both personally and professionally. Just EAT good food, Learn new things in life thats my prayer and Love life and people who stood by you in good & bad times.

Any ways who loves a boring regular story.

Life is magic ,  believe in yourself, world is made up by Magician like you & me :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My countdown Begins now

Today is my last day of working with IBM. I don't know what future holds for me. There is a little anxiety in me but I do have plans. God give me courage and perseverance to be focused .

Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Birthday To me

1st July.. its my birthday..I simply love this date and I love you Mom and Dad for bring me on this earth. I promise, I will make you proud of me..

Friday, June 24, 2016

I never Destroy the me in me

I am not here to just come and go.
I will leave imprint my footsteps in the canvas of time.

I will never destroy the me in me.
Every failure will make me to work harder and more passionately.
I will dare to think which is a dream. Every cell of my body will take me to where I want to be...
I will leave imprint my footsteps in the canvas if time.

 But ..the love of success is more powerful than fear of failure :)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

An Ideal Day

An Ideal day in my life

To get up really early as early as 5:00 in morning 
To open the curtains of room 
To welcome the first sun rays 
To listen to the bird cheeps 
To feel the dew drop.
To pull on my walking shoes and my old tee 
To head for a walk in woods or to a lake nearby.

To prepare a cup of black tea (lal sa) with two Britannia two biscuits
To spend time with my plants, soiling and watering them my plants and to talk to them, 
To appreciate every new flower that blooms and welcome every new leaf.

To have a nice breakfast, may be luchi and aloo matter gravy (best is cooked by Maa).
To Oil my hair, to a home pedicure and manicure 
To have hot water bath and some music.
To Cook my lunch and enjoy the rice and chicken curry with lots of aloo J

To watch an old movie in the TV or to paint whole afternoon
To sleep for half an hour ….
To get up from siesta and to have my chai 
To sit in the balcony and to read an old book or new magazine
And as the sun goes down the sea,
To get out of room and head for a walk to local market with lots of local vegetables –cabbage, tomatoes , eggplants 
To have Gaarma-Garam samosa and chicken chop from the corner shop
To come back home and to take quick show
To lit a small diya or candle and pray my lord with whole heart
 To head toward my study table and to learn new things every single for few hours 
To have my dinner with my loved ones 
To watch a happy family show in TV together 
And finally to fall in deep sleep in a cozy bed....

Is it so difficult to get a perfect day in life!!                       

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

falling in love once again

This time finally with me myself . loving oneself is absolute necessary but it also important to maintain the fine line between loving and getting self obsessed.

Rediscovery myself again again and again ..and life goes on.

Friday, January 22, 2016