Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Truly M J Akbar writes in his editorial that all religion may not be same but the all religious extremist are same. Amazingly, I realized this fact only after reading his editorial.

Hinduism, Islam or Christianity may not teach the same thing, but the religious fanatic teaches only one thing hate other religion. The supporters of Taliban and Ram Sena or for that matter any religious extremist outfit all same.

I think religion is someone’s very personal matter and no government, no organization, not even parents should interfere or impose any religion to any human being.

Pakistan decided to part away from India to become an Islam mulk. So today when Taliban says to stop all modern education, culture, entertainment and follow only laws created by them, then somewhere the society, the government of Pakistan is responsible for this. Now they are left with no options but to fight the force which once they have created for their own political ambition.

In India, we as an educated and responsible member of the society should stop people paying polities on the name of caste, religion, community or region.

We should all stop politicians and parties preaching hatred against our own human community otherwise someday we may face same situation as Pakistan or many so-called religious countries.

I believe and as many say no religion preaches hatred, It gives you the strongest emotion to fight back in most difficult times.

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