Friday, March 27, 2009


I watched a very nicely made movie on HIV infected lady by Ravthy and I was forced to write this incident in my blog.
Once I was discussing with my sister about HIV and AIDS (she is a Doctor by the way). I was just asking her whether she has seen any AIDS or HIV positive. She told me this case of one army major, when she was doing her internship.
He was admitted to the hospital for some common disease (I don’t recollect name now). As he was an army man fighting for us civilian, the entire hospital gave him a very good treatment. He was hero for new interns. He will tell them war time stories of kargil.

After some blood testing, the hospital authorities discovered that he is HIV positive case and he didn’t inform this deadly fact to the hospital guys.
Once this information was out the nurses, interns including my sister even the senior doctors got themselves checked for HIV infections even though school kids knows HIV virus is transmitted only three reasons….
I was surprise with the act done by my sister and colleagues. When I asked her, she said everyone’s knows but they wanted to check themselves to be ensured. I found that very weird and had long discussion on this.

With this unfair treatment given to a HIV positive person, how can one disclose his /her infection?
HIV+ infection is not same as AIDS. It does not mean end of everything. I salute thousands of volunteer fighting all over the world to remove discrimination against HIV infected guys.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I will never destroy it

This is the place where I can express myself.
My physical belonging is all over and people can see it
But my inner word, my inner thoughts is my blogs.

Whenever someone read my blog, it’s not about my physical existence, my soul.
Each word I write directly comes from my soul. Whenever I will write something here, I will write it from my soul. This is my most priced possession, so I will never destroy it. It will remain as it is long after I go.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Summer night and clear sky

When I was a kid, often during the night I use to sit alone and watch the sky, the stars, the moon from our garden. I don’t know but I always had some strange feeling that time. There was a feeling of ignorance and mystery. I wanted to re-discover myself. Create some wonder. It gave me some eternal happiness, which is difficult to put it in words.
Watching clear sky during summer night is the most beautiful experience.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Veil and Pani-Puri

Veil or Hizab always fascinated me like many romantic poets. Its only after coming to Mumbai, I have seen so many Muslim girls wearing Hizab or Burkha as commonly know.
Whenever get a chance I always have a close look on the design, materials ,texture and the elegance with which these beautiful girls wear it..
Once I was traveling from Andheri (E) to Ghatkoper station in a rickshaw India’s most promising vehicle. I crossing the Muslim dominate and highly congested Asalfa area .My rickshaw was literally crawling on the road.
I was feeling bore all alone in the rickshaw, so I have decide to entertain myself by observing people all round. Suddenly my eyes stopped on a lady wearing a black colored veil and standing near a Pani-Puri (oops! no English word for same) Stall. Slowly I started thinking the lady has covered her entire face with veil, how she will eat those pani-puris? Will she remove the veil and display her face to the pani-puri wala ? May be her Hizab has certain arrangement through which she could open her mouth without uncovering her entire face and.blah….blah………blah……………Now I was very desperate to know what she is going to do before my rickshaw crosses her.

Then the pani-puri wala bhaiya packed puris and pani separately in small poly bags and handed over to her. Suddenly a smile come to my face in the same way as it is there now in my face…

Pink slip

With this market scenario everyday, I am getting a chance to learn so many new English vocabularies like PINK SLIP, LAY OFF, ECONOMIC SLOW DOWN, RECESSION, and MARKET CRUNCHES ETC

It is in fact the hottest topic everywhere. A sudden call to home at odd hours will make my dad to think whether everything is OK? Whether my job is secure or not? Aunts and uncles desperately trying to pursue me to opt for either government job or join academics.

In office always rumour is spreading like wild fire. Every day my colleagues will discuss about the List which our CTO has already prepared and soon is going to unveil to us. We also discuss about the alternate professions. One of colleagues is planning to start ice cream parlor near our office campus or near some girls college , another senior manager is planning to start vada-paw stall on rickshaw. If I have to choose an alternate profession I will do embroidery work in dress materials, clothes etc, because I real love doing embroidery and I will be happy also to create beautiful designs.
I will never choose photography as photographs are very close to my hearts.
It may not give me bread and butter but it will bring a smile or a tear in most unexpected times,.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

run away

Always I have to pretend that I am confident, I am fine, I am happy but ….

Many a times I feel like running away.
What am I doing away from my family in this unknown place?
As a child I had plans of making document on different tradition and culture across the globe, sometimes I wanted to become a relic hunter looking for mystery and History, I also wanted to be an environmentalist. But now I am in this corporate jungle. I want to break free. Just want to run away where I don’t have to pretend myself, where I don’t have take care of myself , where I think about things which I like, where I am not insecure , where I can be myself.

Monday, March 2, 2009

last wish

My Last wish,,,,,

Maan ki kitab se hi tum
naam mera mitah dena...
gun toh na tha koi bhi...
abgun mere bhula dena....