Monday, March 9, 2009

Pink slip

With this market scenario everyday, I am getting a chance to learn so many new English vocabularies like PINK SLIP, LAY OFF, ECONOMIC SLOW DOWN, RECESSION, and MARKET CRUNCHES ETC

It is in fact the hottest topic everywhere. A sudden call to home at odd hours will make my dad to think whether everything is OK? Whether my job is secure or not? Aunts and uncles desperately trying to pursue me to opt for either government job or join academics.

In office always rumour is spreading like wild fire. Every day my colleagues will discuss about the List which our CTO has already prepared and soon is going to unveil to us. We also discuss about the alternate professions. One of colleagues is planning to start ice cream parlor near our office campus or near some girls college , another senior manager is planning to start vada-paw stall on rickshaw. If I have to choose an alternate profession I will do embroidery work in dress materials, clothes etc, because I real love doing embroidery and I will be happy also to create beautiful designs.
I will never choose photography as photographs are very close to my hearts.
It may not give me bread and butter but it will bring a smile or a tear in most unexpected times,.

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