Friday, March 27, 2009


I watched a very nicely made movie on HIV infected lady by Ravthy and I was forced to write this incident in my blog.
Once I was discussing with my sister about HIV and AIDS (she is a Doctor by the way). I was just asking her whether she has seen any AIDS or HIV positive. She told me this case of one army major, when she was doing her internship.
He was admitted to the hospital for some common disease (I don’t recollect name now). As he was an army man fighting for us civilian, the entire hospital gave him a very good treatment. He was hero for new interns. He will tell them war time stories of kargil.

After some blood testing, the hospital authorities discovered that he is HIV positive case and he didn’t inform this deadly fact to the hospital guys.
Once this information was out the nurses, interns including my sister even the senior doctors got themselves checked for HIV infections even though school kids knows HIV virus is transmitted only three reasons….
I was surprise with the act done by my sister and colleagues. When I asked her, she said everyone’s knows but they wanted to check themselves to be ensured. I found that very weird and had long discussion on this.

With this unfair treatment given to a HIV positive person, how can one disclose his /her infection?
HIV+ infection is not same as AIDS. It does not mean end of everything. I salute thousands of volunteer fighting all over the world to remove discrimination against HIV infected guys.


  1. true are your concerns. but i for one feel that it was also a mistake on the part of the major, with all due respect, that he abstained from letting the authorities know about his condition. it would have done him good as he would have got the necessary essential treatment. but still i agree that the human race has a lot to do when it comes to removing discrimination against hiv infected must have read about the lady in gujarat who was branded on her forehead about being a hiv patient and made to walk the corridors of the hospital....great blog keep it up.

  2. thx..I will try to improve my writing skills and bring some more touched areas of life
