Saturday, December 29, 2012

A woman in this country thinks any strange Male can be a potential rapist

Yesterday night me and my husband were coming Chennai.
 It was around 10-10.30 pm, we enter KR Puram in Bangalore, very few shops were open, I wanted to go to a loo , so I asked the driver to stop near some Mall, Coffee shop or some decent place with rest rooms. 

After sometime the driver stopped near Dominos Pizza.
It was about to close but they allowed me to use the rest room. My husband went to a near by shop to get water bottle. When I came out of Domino, strange feeling running on my mind.
Many a times , I am out at night time but never felt so very unsafe that too in a city center.
There was strange fear in my mind. I scanned the road but I could hardly see any female, fast moving cars and buses, but it was a group of man standing together outside Dominos that scared me the most. 

No they were not making any lewd comment nor  looking at me. They look from decent families too but there was a fear that they could be potential rapist or eve teasers.

This is what  a woman , a girl in this country thinks about an stranger Male ...POTENTIAL RAPIST

Monday, October 8, 2012


Sometimes back I watched the movie ‘The Balck Friday’, need not to say it is very well-tailored. I think it is Anurag Kshyap’s first movie too. 
Well I am not going to discuss the movie here. But if you guys have seen the movie its start with a very very Strong sentence “An Eye for an Eye will leave the world blind”.Very strong lines indeed.

People are becoming intolerant day by day. Even some so-called Gandhian have left his principle behind. Recently Mr Arvind Kejriwal's action of reconnecting the power line, I personally condemn  his action. 
It may be people friendly but do we see at what cost?  Tomorrow I say Government is doing nothing for North Easterner , I want separate country or else I will attack all Government institutions. Or a Kashmiri shouting for an independent country or else fight with India , Are this acts justifiable ?

 So where are we going,am I saying do not protest or fight against an atrocity ? 
No, but first respect the fact that we are leaving in democratic setup and we have to believe in this setup. 
Fight for the cause but in a proper democratic way, Keeping in mind the basic  fundamental of democracy –Majority wins . If we will all start  an eye for an eye soon we will became next  Afghanistan or Pakistan. 

By the way what Trigger me to write this blog is not Mr Arvind Kejriwal but My Cook Mr. Khogen Das.He told me a very beautiful story from Ramayan

It is believed that Sri Rama cursed the monkey clan, that they will never have a house of their own.
 But why did Sri Rama cursed the monkeys , who help him so much to win against the mighty Demon King Ravana. The story goes like this when Hanuman came from Lanka and told Sri Rama that he had burned the entire Lanka when Ravana tried to imprisoned him and set fire to his tail. All the monkeys present there were very happy with this victory of Hanuman. 

But Sri Rama though he was concerned about Hanuman’s well being condemn the act saying this heinous act of yours has cause unnecessary pain and trauma to many innocent  men ,women ,children and aged people of Lanka without any fault of their own , to make Hanuman and others present there to realize the same trauma and pain the Lord cursed entire monkey clan that they will never have house of their Own.”
The moral of the story whatever be the cause..JUST  WATCH  YOUR ACTION

Monday, September 17, 2012

Best Valentine day

Sometimes one moment can change you life for ever.
 I know  some of you might have experienced that moment. But if you believe me you will get several moments like that.Well  I am going to tell you a story, friction or real one , I leave it to best of your judgement.  
I clearly remember  it was the evening of 13th Feb 2010. I was waiting for him to come and clear all the difference for ever. The mall was painted in red color , heart shaped balloons, happy and cheerful crowd, young couples all over the places. I was anxiously looking at the watch .How shall I start, what should I say, will things between us will be alright again...phew ..God Help me today..Tomorrow is the Valentine’s Day , if things go well, It will be the best valentine or else ...No no..I don’t want that to happen.

Suddenly , I saw him coming towards me.
“Hey Hi!” he said.
Yeah “Hi!..After long time we are meeting. How are you? And How is your work?
“ I am good, Oh Gosh lots of work. I simply don’t like the job and I want to change my job asap. Well forget it , tell me how is your new job. Are you liking it?”

I said “Hmm  Would you like to have Tea or Coffee?".

“yeah ! I will have Tea and you coffee right?. I will get it ,please sit here I will be back in moment with my tea and your coffee.”
How shall I start but I have to clear things today...
Yeah here is your coffee. Tell me you wanted to tell something important today. I hope we don’t end up fighting again today". He smiled at me.

We were meeting each other after 3 weeks . I said “ remember that few days back I asked you to list 10 important things in your said changing job and getting good money, get a groom for your elder sister, to buy a house asap and a few things which I don’t remember ..and I asked you where I am in your life. You said to me that day from now onwards you have think before replying to my questions”
I asked you the same question today “where am I in your Life ?” . He didn’t replied anything. “Okay forget everything else .. ”Do you love me? “  I asked point blank to him . He could not avoid me this time , he said “ I don’t know”. 
“what the hell you were doing last two years? I thought we are in a relationship and you are telling me today that you don’t know whether you love me or not.”
“I think I like you but you know my problems I have elder sister who is yet to be married. How can I marry before her, I need to buy house here in Mumbai and you know its so damn costly here and my know I don’t like it. You are small town girl  and you have this irritatingly suspicious nature. I do have friends who are girls and I cannot stop talking or meeting them because of you.”
“Are you saying its over for you?”. “ No I never said that, I need more time”. ..
Time for what..How can you do this to me? I know god is punishing me for sin I have done.
“Hey Please stop crying here and don’t make a scene here, you know I don’t like all these.  We will talk later.Its already 8’clock in the evening , let me drop you home ,my mom is waiting for dinner. Please we can be good friends, you know I care for you. I like you but you know I have so much of family pressure”
“Just go away , I want to stay alone for some time and will go home myself.”
Then I saw him going without even looking back again. I wish he turn back to me once and all this is not real but a dream, how can he say ‘He don’t know whether he loves me or not after two years’. Why the hell he did this to me and that too pretending so innocently. No it can happen ......
I was so lost in thought , all the moments when we were together Haji Ali, Colaba,Movie Halls , Malls, Nasik, office canteens ..keep coming to my mind. 

I know he is angry with me , so he said like that..I know he cares for me and he will come back.Oh god I wish he comes back to me and say that its not true..
My mobile rang.....Oh thanks God its him, I knew he will call me back and he is here and looking for me “Hello”. “Hello, where are you? Are you still in Mall..there is a blast in city at 8:30pm ..German Bakery. Police has declared a high alert”.
“I am still in the Mall?”.
“OK go home fast , take a rickshaw or cab. Its not safe outside.” I hang up the call and started laughing out loud. 
Bullshit ..I was crying for this person , who does not deserve to be called as man..Forget Loving me, this person cannot love anyone. Police has declared high alert and its dangerous ....I could stop laughing and thanking God from bottom of my heart for making the next Day as my best valentine Day ever. I was out of my worst nightmare and stepping to a beautiful morning.....

Believe me after that all my valentine days were best days ever..

Saturday, September 1, 2012

No Monster in the Lake...

The Kite Runner , didn’t  took long to complete the book.

But I know for sure it will take many lives to understand it.  Somewhere I feel like I have an epiphany.Epiphany..important to know for good or for bad. The antagonist had this epiphany which made him a psychopath , a crazy fanatic.
Well thank god..I had an epiphany which is positive. There is so much in the book. 

Well night before the kite tournament, Hassan had this strange dream. In the dream every boby in the town asking them (Amir and Hassan)not to go into the lake as there is a monster below. The monster will kill them. But the boys didn’t listen  and they swim across the lake and tells everyone that there is no monster in lake and came out as sultan of Kabul. When they came out they were welcome by the cheerful crowds.
So the question is Was there any monster in the Lake? No for Hassan but yes for Amir. The monster is no where in the lake.But it is deep  inside our heart. If we allow the monster to make room in our heart  it will be there, always looking for a chance to scare us and stop us for judging what is right and what is wrong.
Like Hassan if we believe there is no Monster life will be far more easy and we will come out as winner in what we king of Kabul..

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning Enlightenment

Place : My Bedroom, 7:56am .Bangalore..

Hah..After long time I am Pushing myself to write something. 
All these days why I was not writing anything, the same old answer, I was busy with work, I could not get time..blah blah......
It because I am too lazy and love lazing around all the time. .. OK now leave that.
So what should I write about now. Lets take up Time Management.

Hey wait no I am not giving some tips from some self help books, you can get easy and quick access of them.Its nothing but my routine saga.

Today morning I got up at 6:45am, by the way my alarm clock is always set @5:20am but I think I hardly woke up @5.20am.
 Every morning after getting up I became very anxious about pending things.
...OMG where to start from is the most frequent question.

7.20 am got the news paper , I read the head lines, city page and of course  the editorial page.
By 7.45am my helper Anitha was on the door. I asked Anitha  the usual question  “How is your Son? Drop him to School”. She replies back as usual “yes  DIDI”.  

Me : Tell me what time do you get up in the morning?
Anitha : 4.00am (laugh) Didi.
Me still in state of shock...what!. 
She smiled and replied back “yes Didi, I get up at 4.00 clock..cook breakfast & lunch for my Husband, Mother-in-law and for myself. It will be done by 5.30 then I cook snacks for my kid. Get ready and make my kid ready by 7.00am, drop him to school and then I came to your house  and there after other houses in the apartment. My work will be over by 1.00pm or 2.00pm then I will go back and do cleaning, washing other activities. Again from 4.00-6.00pm I will sit with my kid and help him in doing Homework (by the way Anitha is literate as well as Educated , she has done her HSS). Then again cooking , cleaning ...blah..blah and by 9:30-10:00pm I am done with everything and off to sleep.."

I was astonished by her revelation.I think I am enlighten now and this blog is the immediate outcome of my enlightenment.

By the way this blog is dedicate to two workaholic People..Miss Sareeta Mandavkar ,of course my dear Anitha without her help I would not have written this.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hanuman Chalisa

The hanuman chalisa

Human Chalisa is devotional song on Lord Hanuman by Tulsidas(1497/1532–1623) written in Awadhi.
Millions of times I have listen this song ,since my Mtech days in Kharagpur. It was one of chat friend who made me listen Hanuman Chalisa first time, when I had done terribly bad in Pandey Sir’s subject.
After that day, I have listen to it innumerous times in all temperament. I don’t know what is there in this song, I can keep on listening to it till my last breathe There is something charismatic about it.  Today I decided to do a little research to find out what is that I like in it. I wanted to explore the origin of this Great Song.
According to legend emperor Akbar Imprisoned Tulsidas. It is in prison Tulsidas wrote the verses of Hanuman chalisa . when he completed Hanuman chalisa , an army of monkeys menaced the city of Delhi. Emperor unsuccessfully tried to control the monkeys with his forces. Learned ministers in emperor’s court made him believe that the monkey menace was a manifestation of the wrath of Lord Hanuman, the Monkey God. He released Tulsidas immediately and to his surprise the monkeys stopped their mischiefs .

The Hanuman Chalisa
Sri Guru Carana Saroj Raja Nija Mana Mukura Sudhar,
Varanaun Raghuvara Vimala Yasa, Yo Dayaka Phala Chara
 Buddhina Tanu Janike Sumiraun Pavana Kumara,
Bala Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohin, Harau Klesa Vikara
 Jaya hanumana jnana guna sagara, jaya kapisa tihun loka ujagara,
Rama duta atulita bala dhama, anjani putra pavana suta nama
 Mahavira vikrama bajarangi kumati nivara sumati ke sangi,
Kanchana varana viraja suvesa, kanana kundala kunchita kesa
 Hatha bajur aru dhvaja virajai, kandhe munja janeu sajai,
Sankara suvana kesari nandana, tej pratapa maha jaga vandana
 Vidyavan guni ati chatur, rama kaja karive ko atur,
Prabhu charitra sunive ko rasiya, rama lakshmana sita mana basiya
 Suksma rupa dhari siyahin dikhava, vikata rupa dhari lanka jarava,
Bhima rupa dhari asura sanhare, ramachandra ke kaja sanvare
 Lae sanjivana lakhan jiyaye sri raghuvira harshi ura laye,
Raghupati kinhi bahuta badai, tum mama priya bharatai sama bhai
 Sahasa vadana tumharo yasa gaven, asa kahi sripati kantha lagaven,
Sanakadika brahmadi munisa narada sarada sahita ahisa
 Yama kuvera digapala jahante kavi kovida kahi saken kahante,
Tuma upakara sugrivahin kinha rama milaya raja pada dinha
 Tumharo mantra vibhisana mana lankesvara bhae saba jaga jana,
Yuga sahasra yojana para bhanu, lilyo tahi madhura phala janun
 Prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahin jaldi landi gaye acaraja nahin,
Durgama kaja jagata ke jete, sugama anugraha tumhare te te
 Rama duare tuma rakhavere hot na ajna vinu paisare,
Saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana, tuma raksaka kahu ko darana
 Apana teja samharo ape tinon loka hankate kanpe,
Bhuta pisacha nikata nahin ave, mahavira japa nama sunave

Nashai roga harai saba pira, japata nirantara hanumata vira,
Sankata se hanumana churavai, mana rama vachana dhyana jo lavai
 Saba para rama tapasvi raja tina ke kaja sakala tuma saja,
Aur manoratha jo koi lavai soy amita jivana phala pavain
 Charon yuga paratapa tumhara, hai parasiddhi jagata uyjiara,
Sadhu santa ke tum rakhavare, asura nikandana rama dulare
 Asta siddhi nava nidhi ke data, asa vara dina janaki mata,
Rama rasayana tumhare pasa, sada raho raghupati ke dasa
Tumhare bhajana rama ko pavai janma janma ke dukha visravai,
Anta kale raghupati pura jay, jahan janmen hari bhakta kahai
 Aur devata chitta na dharai, hanumata sei sarva sukha karai,
Sankata harai mitai saba pira, jo sumire hanumata balavira
 Jaya jaya jaya hanumana gosain, kripa karau gurudeva ki nain,
Yah satavara patha kara jaya chhutahin band maha sukha hoy
 Jo yaha parhai hanumana chalisa haya siddhi sakhi gaurisha,
Tulasidasa sada harichera kije natha hridaya mahana dera
 Pavanatanaya sankata harana mangala murti rupa,
Rama laskmana sita sahita hridaya basahu sura bhupa

The Translation:I got this translation from some website.

"Having cleaned the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus feet of my guru, I sing the pure glories of lord Ramachandra, who bestows the four fruits of life: religion, wealth, pleasure and liberation."

"As I Know I Am An Ignorant Fool, I Meditate On The Son Of Wind, Hanuman, And Pray Him To Give Me Strength, Wisdom And Knowledge, Purifying Me From All Defects And Bad Things."

"Glory To Hanuman, Ocean Of Knowledge And Good Qualities. Glory to the lord of the vanaras.
His fame echoes through the three worlds. Glory to the divine messenger and servant of sri rama!
He is known as pavana suta, Son Of The Wind and Anjan, and his prowess is invincible."

"O Hanuman, you have unlimited courage and strength, you destroy ignorance and grant wisdom. Your complexion is golden, your hair is curly and you wear ear-rings."

"In one hand you hold the divine vajra weapon, in the other you have the flag with your emblem.
 Your shoulder is decorated with the holy thread. You are the avatara of lord shiva and son of sri keshari. Your great prowess is famous all over the world."

"You have the greatest wealth of divine knowledge. You are virtuous and intelligent, always ready to serve lord rama, and your greatest pleasure is listening to his glories. Rama, laksmana and sita always reside in your heart."

"You Appeared Before Sita In A Very Small Form, but you burned lanka with a Terrifying Form and a killed the demons with a Gigantic Form. In this way you always serve lord rama."

"You brought the medicinal herb to revive Lakshmana, and overcome with joy Rama embraced you and glorified you, saying that he loves you as much as he loves his own brother Bharata."

"Sesanaga (Lord Vishnu’s Snake) with his thousands mouths is singing your glories: with these words, Rama embraced you. Even the Kumaras, Narada, Sarasvati cannot complete describe your glories."

"Even Yama, Kuvera, the lords of the directions, Poets and Sages are incapable of fully describing your glories. You introduced Rama to Sugriva , causing him to become the king of the Vanaras (Monkey)."

"By following your advice, Vibhisana (brother of Ravana) became the King Of Lanka: everyone knows this. You grabbed the sun, millions of kilometers away in the sky, taking it for a ripe fruit."

"You crossed the ocean keeping rama's ring in your mouth as a token for sita. You could perform such a miraculous task because with your grace even impossible tasks become possible and even easy."

"You always guard the door of Sri Rama, and without your permission no one can enter. By taking shelter in you, all the joys of life are obtained, and one under your protection has nothing to fear."

"your radiance is supreme, and the three worlds tremble when you move. You are the supreme brahmachari, conserving your energy. By repeating the name of hanuman, all the ghosts and demons are chased away."
"all diseases and sufferings are destroyed by the constant repetition of the name of hanuman. One who meditates on him with his mind, heart and activities is saved from all difficulties."

"King Rama is the lord of yoga, and all your actions are dedicated to him. By your grace, all desires are granted."

"in all times, you are famous for your prowess and talents, your glories are spread all over the universe. You protect the devotees and the sages, you destroy the demons, and you are rama's beloved."

"Mother Sita blessed you with the power to grant the eight spiritual perfections and the nine material prosperities, and Sri Rama gave you the power to heal. You are always his humble servant."

"By meditating on you, one reaches lord rama, and eliminates the sufferings of many lifetimes.
 after death, your devotee will reach the abode of rama, where he will always be a devotee of the lord."

"The other devas do not care for the sufferings of the human beings:
Only hanuman is the source of all joys, and by remembering him all sufferings disappear."

"Victory and glory to lord hanuman! O divine guru, bless us with your grace.
By repeating this mantra one hundred times, one is liberated by all problems and obtains unlimited happiness."

"One who repeats this song with the glories of lord hanuman obtains all the spiritual perfections. Tulasidasa, the eternal servant of the lord, gives this promise in the name of mahadeva, the lord of gauri. O lord, may you always reside in my heart."

"O Son of the wind, you destroy all difficulties. Your form is all auspicious, and you always reside in my heart along  with Rama, Laksmana and Sita."

---Still Searching for the real meaning .. Once I come up with one ..I will surely let you guys know ...