Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Better be Atheist and serve God

Few days back I was reading an article about terrorism. I could not believe that there are terrorist groups in Buddha’s name in some countries. Come on now …Terror group in name of Buddhism … the most absurd thing I could believe. Its really hard to believe.

The cores of Buddhism are non-violence and not kill anyone, forgive everyone and always follow the path of moderation.

Crazy! If you want to kill people, do bloodshed in name of Buddhism, and if feel happy about another people misery, stop linking it to Buddhism. It’s not Buddhism but it’s you own karma that is making you do that.

In fact, no religion in the world asks you or permits you to kill people.  Stop killing people and terrorizing civilians in name of religion.

People, who do such things, do it just for their own fun not for any religion.
In Middle East Asia, there are so many of the Jihadi groups killing people in the name of ISLAM but I don’t really understand what they actually want to achieve? Is it that they want to save their oil fields, take revenge against the western countries or just to make human lives miserable? One thing I am very very sure of is that it is not RELIGIOUS.
We people are so very shameless.

Lord Rama left his entire kingdom and lives in wandering in forests for 14 years, for peace of his people and his parents. Greatness of Rama is not in a palace or place. If you believe Rama is God, Can mortal confine god to a piece of land? But what is happening in our world, shameless fighting and killing in name of Rama’s Birth place.

There is a story in Islam, where Abraham was ready to do supreme sacrifice by slaughtering his dearest son Ishmael, as they both strongly believe in god. Abraham’s believe in god was so strong that he ready the sacrifice dearest thing he had. In our world people are so greedy that they don’t want to leave a piece of land for God Shake.

I strongly believe, people who say or believe they are atheist are doing great favor to GOD. And people who kill each other, hate each other, say nasty things about others, use people in name of religion and people who get influenced in name of religions are doing great disrespect to God and in no ways its RELIGIOUS.

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