Monday, December 22, 2014

IAS ..

Its 6:21pm now, I am in an Indigo flight from Guwahati to Bangalore. Three hours of non-stop flight. I have read all the pages of the in-flight magazine. There is no movie in my TP and my tablet has run out of battery. No newspaper, no in-flight entertainment, no comics , no novels.
 Today even I don’t feel like talking to my fellow passenger. Don’t look interesting enough to intrude their and my privacy.
So I have decided to write down something.
So what should be the subject today? My Traveling experiences …OKAY “Ranjeeta’s Travels”.
Though it’s not so interesting as Gulliver’s travel but I promise I had some very interesting experience.
Let me share IAS story today.
IAS no no it’s not Indian Administrative service but it invisible after sunset. With due respect to people who are dark complexioned, this term was invented/discovered by our English Professor Mr. Prasad. When he first introduce this concept of IAS, we all laughed it off and he used to tell how many boys and girls spend their fortune on creams like fair and lovely. He used to say himself an IAS, also he pointed our best friend Partha Partim Das as the one and only IAS in class. Okay now don’t get me wrong Mr. Prasad was like that only. He used make students feels like a sheep ready for Halal.

He also commented how bad my nose look like but we never minded a word as we didn’t had much options. My personal view was like he always says overmuch. 
Few years after that me, Anusuya , Partha were travelling home from Kolkata to Guwahati in train for semester break. In train we met another student like us and we befriended him. We ordered four dinner plates from the train caterer. Me , Anusuya and partha got the tickets in upper, middle and lower berth. Our new friend had his seat in adjacent lower berth. Other two co-passengers (I think two middle aged guys) who didn’t order food from railway decided to retire to their respective beds/berth. So middle berths were opened and the light was very dim. Long after we finished our dinner and doing chit chat, the caterer guy came to our berth to collect the plates and money from us. As he started collecting money, he looked very confused and little anxious as well. He looked at the list and the plates and then at us. Then he asked you guys ordered four plates and four empty plates are here but you are only three people, where is the fourth guy?
We were like  three no no we are four people  here and then suddenly I realized my best friend Partha who was seating in the window seat has just became an IAS.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha. Invisible after sunset IAS. thats not fair. :-)
    interesting story.
