Tuesday, January 25, 2011

India is my country and indians are my brother and sister!

India..26th Jan 2011 00:00

Tell me Guys which type of Indian you are?
If you didn’t understand what I am asking it’s good for all of us and if you have an answer please let me know. The other day I went to a parlour and I ended up realizing a very strange feeling. The beautician thought me as a Chinese Indian.
She told me ‘Madam all the big parlours and saloons hire girls from you place or north Indian girls, they don’t hire Indian girls. It was first time in my life my fellow countrymen oops! countrywomen was considering me as Chinese Indian and herself as Indian.BTW she was a domicile of state of Karnataka.
Strangely in Mumbai also, there were many types of Indians - south Indians, north Indians, Guju Indians, Bhaiya Indian and the locals who were the Indians there.
When I was a child in Arunachal Pradesh, there also locals use to consider themselves as Indians and rest as Bihari Indians, Madrasi or South Indians, Punjabi Indians, tribal and non-tribal Indians.
Later when I was in Kharagpur, west Bengal there were also two types of Indian – Bengali Indians and non-Bengali Indians.
Recently when I moved to Bangalore, I got a new apartment near a school. Every morning I hear kids taking Indian pledge which we use to take in school ‘I am an Indian , India is my country , All Indians are my Brother and Sister’. In school I use to feels these lines very funny.  I never took a pledge that Gayatri di and Muli are my sisters. Do anyone of you?
But with so many different types of Indians in one India, now I can make out why in schools we were asked every morning to take this pledge. But one thing which liked everywhere was that people considering themselves as Indian irrespective of considering others as whatever Indian and I think it’s the beauty of India and Indians.
India is like a garden with different flowers everywhere and it’s the different colours that make this garden most beautiful and evergreen. Irrespective of our types the soul is that we are INDIANS and we will work to make INDIA different from all the other Types..
Cheers to Republic of India and Indians...

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