Friday, January 14, 2011

3 core values of ur Life !

Yesterday I went for some training, the facilitator was great guy not because he wrapped up the session 3 hrs early but he made me think certain things which I don’t in my daily life.
He asked us to note down three most important core values in our life and order them in a scale of 1 to 3 with 1 being the most important. When all of us finished he asked us to strike out the 3rd point and believe me no body in the room could do that. He smiled and said ‘Guys you can change /remove the last in your list, then how can you expect a 100 yrs old company to change its core value’.
I was like “wow what an idea sirji, to nicely impose company’s value on its employees”.
Later in the day I discuss my core values with one of my friend and decided to put it down somewhere to check whether it remains the same after some years. Here it goes the three most important value in my life are:-
1)     Respect: mutual respect is the most important value for me. Respecting very little living and non-living object. Everything and everyone has its own charm and beauty and we should appreciate that and respect that. Someone as put it so correctly to get respect you need to respect. This is one thing my parents taught me and this is what I want to give my children.

2)    Freedom: Freedom to think, freedom in our action, Freedom to laugh, freedom to cry. I am like a free bird and it doesn’t mean that a free bird does not have any responsibilities. It has its own set of duties and responsibilities. Well my set of freedom should not impact anyone else’s  freedom  J
3)    Honesty: Honesty is very important for me, honesty in my action, honest to myself, honest to others.

Well guys that doesn’t mean that I want to be some kinda Mahatma. I want my life to be such that if someday my kids ask me about it, I should not hide anything from them. I have a very simple thumb rule  before doing anything I ask myself ‘if someone ask me about it do I have the guts to tell everything without manipulations, If ‘YES’ go for it,  if ‘NO’ then hey! Stop you fool! .

I strongly believe in what one Mr Howard Fries (a Highway consultant) told once in traffic planning class “KISS principle”. It means keep it Simple Straight.

Guys let me know you values I would love to read them and will definitely learn from them.

P.s: The pic used in the top right hand side was what I was doing during the training session in my mobile .. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey dear,
    Nice blog.. :)
    Solliiid start in new year..
    I like the way you have described all three core values..
    Nicely penned down..
