Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Columbus ! Columbus ! lets find a New Place!!!!!

Last week I have done kinda some survey asking my friends “What are the Five Things You want to do before you Die”..

Hey Hey!! Before you read this article  please take a pen and paper and list down the five things you want to do before you Die. Believe me it will be great FUN.
DONE . OK check your list  Does it has something like World Tour, Travel ling to some Exotic places, Going to Himalayas, Deep sea Diving  . I am sure for any normal person it would be in the list along with the other things. So there is a Columbus in all of us.
I don’t know how many of you heard this Song from a Hindi Flick  Jeans “Columbus Columbus Chutti hai aayi..chalo naya mulk dhonde mere bhaiye”.

So start exploring the beautiful world if not in magic carpet or a ship..start exploring by whatsoever mean you have :)


  1. :)... i tried making the list... and guess what... i was trying to run away from one thing... u no what... and in the list that topped the list :)....
