Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Third Gender

I am writing about a very unusual topic, a topic which sometimes disturbs my thinking and even my existence as an human being.
It’s about the Third Gender - neither man nor woman. In India and south Asia they are also known as Hijra. Originated from an Arabic word meaning “migration”.
I had seen them only in Hindi Movies when I was in Arunachal Pradesh. I think first time I have seen Hijras in local train from Kolkata to Kharagpur while doing onboard surveys. I was very excited and curious to see them. They crossed me but didn’t ask for any money may be because I was a student or may be because I am a girl. But I had seen in movies that we should never take curse from any Hijra and give them money because their blessing also very very effective. So I voluntarily handed one of them 20 bucks and ask her to bless me for a CGPA greater than 8 this semester.  
My second and closest encounter with one of them was when I and my friend poonam got into a general compartment of a train coming from Hyderabad. We were returning from her place from baramaati (Maharashtra) to pune. There was no other seat so we had to share the berth with a Hijra and we got to know that she will be getting down only in Pune.
My friend was very scared even I feeling very uneasy and uncomfortable sitting next to a Hijra. Just praying that either she change the compartment or we get some other place and desperately looking for other place to seat and there was none. There was a disgusting feeling of superiority running inside me.
Anyways we travelled 3 hours without talking to her (the Hijra) which normally I don’t do and reach pune and travel back to Mumbai. Later that night I had a very strange feeling running in my mind.  I was feeling that what kind of a hypocrite I am? One hand I am giving Hijra money to take her blessing and on the other hand I mind even sitting next to one of them.
 I say I believe in equality of living being but I feeling shame and uneasiness sitting next of Hijra.  Whole night all these thoughts were running on my mind, I was ashamed of myself. I was disgusted with the thought that made me think that I am superior creature.
But after that incident my whole attitude towards them changed. I started considering them as one of us. Now I give them money not because I am scared of taking any curse from them or I need any blessing just because I know still today in the society where I live people don’t consider them as equal human being.
 They are not given the equal rights as you and me. Forget the fundamental rights they are not even given the human rights. We need to change all these crap. We Indians are now going through a phase of renaissance. We need to bury these kinds of old/outdate customs. Let us work and walk side by side to make a beautiful and colourful nation. Respect them, give them equal opportunity in education, jobs and other fields.
I would very happy if you share your thoughts on this. I have tried to put my very limited understanding in the blog.
--R’jeeta ..10/02/2010- 01:07 am


  1. The organisations of the hijra community can be seen as constituting a larger movement of sexual minority groups in India. The discrimination and violence that hijras face show that it is high time that both the government and the human rights movement in the country begin to take this issue with the seriousness it deserves.

  2. @ mjd I agree with you and I think this issue should be given the deserved seriousness
