Friday, February 25, 2011

Think Like a Drunkard!

“Lehron se Darkar nauka par nahin hoti,
koshish karne walon ki haar nahin hoti

Above lines from Harivansh Rai Banchan’s Poem stores the greatest key to success.
Success in anything you want to do.  All we need to give is honest afford from our side and keep our mind calm and cool.
Some days ago I attended a lecture by his Holiness the Dalai Lama.  He didn’t speak anything which was not relevant in our every day life. He was talking about “being happy in difficult times”. The only mantra which his holiness suggested was a “calm mind”.  A calm mind can make you forget all your pains and worries  in most difficult times, it can lead you to win a battle against mighty enemy easily.
It is not very good idea to react immediately ( yeah ! I know its difficult sometimes). Once we react  to any situation or any person we are became puppets in their hands and giving our full control. Do you want to give your control to someone or some situation completely?
Then Just Chill. Every problem have a solution. The path may not be very clear but our destination should be clear. Once we know our destination we should start exploring different paths instead of sitting and waiting for the time to come up with an idea, believe me its the journey not the destination that you will remember and cherish about .
In school, I had read another poem of Harivansh Rai Banchan “Madhusaala” (Bar) . He gave very nice analogy of a drunkard who finds some or other way to reach Madhusaala (Bar) and enjoy his drink.So we should be like a drunkard and find some or other way to reach our destination :)
Hey ! Don’t get me wrong  I am not saying “ start drinking “  what I mean is start thinking like the drunkard who have to strongest desire to reach madhusaala and enjoy his (her J ) drink