Monday, September 29, 2014

Biggest Sin

What is the most heinous crime a human can commit and what should be the punishment for such a crime?

I got the answer my favorite story Mahabharata. Let me come straight "The most heinous crime/sin is killing an unborn child in mother's womb"

You will definitely agree with me after this story:- 

On the last day of Mahabharata war , frustrated  and angry Ashwathama, son of Guru Dronacharya (teacher of Pandavas and Kaurava)  attacked pandava camp at night while everyone was in deep sleep. He wanted to take revenge for Duryodhana's defeat and his father's murder from the pandavas.

He strangled Dhrishtadyumna to death in his sleep, he killed Shikhandi and finally beheaded Draupadi's five sons thinking them to the five pandava brothers. After this he left to meet his dying friend Duryodhana. Pandava brothers and Draupadi were devastated to see what happen at the night and decided to kill Ashwathama.

In the meanwhile Ashwathama realizes that he killed young princes not the pandava brothers, so he decided to go to Sage Vyasa's ashram for penance.

Pandavas along with lord Krishna also reaches Vyasa's ashram and they had  heated argument again ( I am not going into the details now). As a result Ashwathama out of rage, directs his weapon toward the womb of Uttara (Arjun's daughter-in-law) who was pregnant and kills the baby in the womb.
This made lord Krishna very very angry , he cursed him to be alive forever and carry sin of all people in the earth. He will roam in the forest with blood and puss oozing out of his injuries and cry for death. He will be in total isolation from mankind and society. The wound cussed by the removal of his gem on his forehead will never heal and his body will suffer from innumerable sores and ulcers.

Lord Krishna also revives the baby in the womb and named him Parikshit, who became a great ruler..

So now you will also agree, killing an unborn baby in mother's womb is the biggest crime, the greatest sin. But  irony is that still in our country people commit this heinous crime every day ..don't they deserve to be punished like Ashwathama. ..

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Supercomputer IBM for a layman like me

Last few years I am hearing a lot about “IBM Watson”. Let us see what Watson means for a layman like me  :)

 Watson became famous with the game of Jeopardy.

Let me give a brief detail about the IBM Jeopardy Challenge which was aired 14-16, February 2011. 

As you might know “Jeopardy” is a quiz competition in which contestants are presented with clues in form of an answer, and they must phrases their responses in question form. 
This was unique Man vs. Machine challenge, IBM Watson was facing off against Jennings and Rutter in a two-game match.

No price for guessing the winner, it was Watson followed by Jennings and Rutter as first and second runner ups. Watson was the winner, SO WHAT?

Ok, the show obviously got highest TV ratings, but it also brought in the age old  debate “Whether Machine is more intelligence than man”. 
My answer definitely big ‘NO’,  as we all know since our childhood that “Chacha chaudhary Ka Dimag Computer se Tez Chalta hai”. 

Watson’s journey didn’t stop after winning the game of Jeopardy, in fact Watson voyage started and it followed Sinbad's  way to explore world and uncovering many unknown avenues.

IBM has been doing continuous research and development work to benefit the mankind using this new super intelligent computer that understands the natural language (thank god! No more machine language) .
The best part with Watson is that more it is used the more it is trained. With passage of time it gains more and more experience.
Watson is here now and is available for us to make our life much easier and smarter and it is for us to take a deep dive in field of Health & clinical research, Insurance, Banking and Finance, maintaining ecology and creating new talent hubs.

You name any domain Watson can fit into it.  For Watson we can say "Watson came, Watson saw, Watson Conquered" the new era.

With Watson comes the new era of cognitive computing and we all and I mean we all Doctors, Teacher, bankers, financial advisory , call center agents, IT guys, students , teachers should embrace this new age Sinbad with open arm.
Here’s Watson at Work:-
  • Watson Engagement  Advisory : virtual assisted-service offering.

Often we struggle with the call center agent to troubleshoot a problems and often we are very very disappointed, now imagine Supercomputer Watson coming for your rescue, Haha “ Life will be such fun”.

For example , Watson WEA has joined hands with the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), financial services provider for the military community to make life easy of military guys :)

  • Watson Clinical Research  

Our healthcare system has improved quite a lot in this century but don’t you think a lot needs to be done in Healthcare decision support. Watson provides far more differentiated testing assessment. It can examined the symptoms and tell what are the tests relevant to a particular patient conditions and what are not. Wow! Isn’t it wonderful for the Doctors to have an assistant who reads the latest medical journals and have all the medical information to recommend what tests may be relevant in particular situation. Watson is handy for pharmaceutical companies has well as they can significantly reduce the time to release a new drug in the market using Watson’s intelligences.

 Let’s come forward and explore the world with Watson and don’t forget to give your valuable comments and feedback.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Very very happy for someone

I am very very happy now. .
I can tell you, it is very difficult to live with a guilt but today I saw something from my past  that made me so so happy. God is always great, always does the right thing, we don't understand that time but with time we can see that. I am trying to find few people from past for a long time..I got one today (not in person)  and very very happy for the person...
Someday I will tell you who are they :)

By the way this was a great week for me ..There is a new addition to my family.. I have became a aunt again..My Sister is blessed with a baby boy on Friday.

Happy Happy Now

Monday, September 15, 2014

People I like to be as..

 Let me share a small incident of my college days. 
We were four friends Mona, Malvika, Debashri & me in the same hostel "MT Hall". One summer evening, we four were having tea and giving "adda" in the garden area discussing philosophies of life. what we want to be in next birth? ..what we were in our previous birth?..
Someone wanted to be a bird ,  scientist, explorer .Suddenly Debashri said " I want to be Shahrukh Khan in next birth"..We all looked at her and astonished by what we heard. she was so sure that she wanted to be Shahrukh Khan.

So my question of the day is ..who are the people you want to be like or rather I say I want to be like..
 c'mon! do this take a paper and start listing now..
I am sharing my list :-
Right now I can think of these guys..
Reasoning ...........

 Dev Anand : I really feel something charismatic about his personality , so much of love for his craft, his art. I have seen couple of his interviews  a perfect gentlemen. Once he said that he came to Mumbai with just Rs 20..till he has Rs 20 with him , he has loose nothing. He made movies because he loved doing that.He was always living in his own world.. I like people who lives in their own world without bothering what world thinks or say..

Khushwant Singh : I wanted so much that he should have hit a century before leaving us. Only regret I have is that I could not write a mail to him.. I love his attitude toward fearless, so well articulated his thoughts and opinions.  I read somewhere it is written in his door  " Please do not ring the bell unless you are expected."  He made me to believe that for writing stories you don't need a great command on a language but you need to hit the right chord with right emotion.

Napolean Bonapart
I don't know why ..may be this picture of Napolean Bonaparte, he is my childhood hero. First time I saw this picture was in my cousin's room.One  more similarity I have with Napolean..Any guess?  Napolean feared cats just like do I.

Steven Erwin: the crocodile hunter..  Actually initially he was forced to us by dad , being a veterinary Doctor he used to make us see lot of Animal planets and Discovery channels when we were kids. slowly we started loving the crocodile hunter..see all his fascinated by Australia Zoo..Still it is the destination I want to visit before i die. Still some where  I want to be a wild life photographer and want to shoot documentary on wild life..Steven made me understand that all snakes are not bad..and not necessarily be killed when we see them. I save snake :)

------------to be continued some other day.... 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How far you can go for a promise you made to someone

How far you will go to keep your promise?

You remember the episode of Mahabharata when lord Krishna took up weapon to kill "Bhishma", who was blessed with wish-long life and had promised his father King Shantanu to serve the ruling king of Hastinapur. By doing so lord breaks his own promise that will not fight or lift any weapon in the Mahabharata war. Many people have different interpretation of this story , I would like to share my personal views on it.

Lord Krishna And Bhishma Pitamah (click to view)

According to me this teaches a very important lesson of life.." How far you can go for a promise which is not at all worth of keeping"

Bhishma took oath to serve any ruling king of Hastinapur irrespective of the personality or the virtue of king, which it self is very very wrong at first place. Bhishma was most powerful warrior who fought with his own guru Parasurama and defeated him. I strongly believe that with great power comes great responsibility, and your responsibilities are more toward people who are not so powerful and your society and mankind.

I see Bhishma as a big reason for the entire Mahabharata war. WHY?

let us take close look:--

  1. Had to abduct princesses Amba, Ambika, Ambalika for his step - brother an incompetent young king Vichitravirya, against Amba's wish and later by not honoring her

2. Forced the intelligent and beautiful princess of Gandhar, princesses Gandhari, to marry blind king Dhritarashtra making her brother Sakuni angry ....very very angry (who in turn took revenge by finishing the entire Kuru Clan)

  • Did not took up his weapon or use his power to stop Duryodhana and his brothers from disrobing Draupati, his great-grand daughter-in-law in public when she was pleading

  • Finally fighting for evil Duryodhana.

It was his promise which lead to great destruction.

It is not like that I didn't like Bhishma's Character but I really fail to understand why didn't he took a stand anytime.

So why did Krishna broke his promise and took weapon to kill Bhishma even though it was pre-decided that only "Shikhandi" along with Arjuna will kill Bhishma.

Lord wanted to Bhishma to understand how he was terribly wrong and as the head of the Kuru clan , he should have done what was right and not blindly stick to a promise which was doing all wrong things.
In my opinion Krishna made a very very strong point that "No promise in the world is big enough to stop you from doing which is veracious". At times even lord breaks his own promise to make things right.

Thats my take.