Monday, September 29, 2014

Biggest Sin

What is the most heinous crime a human can commit and what should be the punishment for such a crime?

I got the answer my favorite story Mahabharata. Let me come straight "The most heinous crime/sin is killing an unborn child in mother's womb"

You will definitely agree with me after this story:- 

On the last day of Mahabharata war , frustrated  and angry Ashwathama, son of Guru Dronacharya (teacher of Pandavas and Kaurava)  attacked pandava camp at night while everyone was in deep sleep. He wanted to take revenge for Duryodhana's defeat and his father's murder from the pandavas.

He strangled Dhrishtadyumna to death in his sleep, he killed Shikhandi and finally beheaded Draupadi's five sons thinking them to the five pandava brothers. After this he left to meet his dying friend Duryodhana. Pandava brothers and Draupadi were devastated to see what happen at the night and decided to kill Ashwathama.

In the meanwhile Ashwathama realizes that he killed young princes not the pandava brothers, so he decided to go to Sage Vyasa's ashram for penance.

Pandavas along with lord Krishna also reaches Vyasa's ashram and they had  heated argument again ( I am not going into the details now). As a result Ashwathama out of rage, directs his weapon toward the womb of Uttara (Arjun's daughter-in-law) who was pregnant and kills the baby in the womb.
This made lord Krishna very very angry , he cursed him to be alive forever and carry sin of all people in the earth. He will roam in the forest with blood and puss oozing out of his injuries and cry for death. He will be in total isolation from mankind and society. The wound cussed by the removal of his gem on his forehead will never heal and his body will suffer from innumerable sores and ulcers.

Lord Krishna also revives the baby in the womb and named him Parikshit, who became a great ruler..

So now you will also agree, killing an unborn baby in mother's womb is the biggest crime, the greatest sin. But  irony is that still in our country people commit this heinous crime every day ..don't they deserve to be punished like Ashwathama. ..

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