Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How far you can go for a promise you made to someone

How far you will go to keep your promise?

You remember the episode of Mahabharata when lord Krishna took up weapon to kill "Bhishma", who was blessed with wish-long life and had promised his father King Shantanu to serve the ruling king of Hastinapur. By doing so lord breaks his own promise that will not fight or lift any weapon in the Mahabharata war. Many people have different interpretation of this story , I would like to share my personal views on it.

Lord Krishna And Bhishma Pitamah (click to view)

According to me this teaches a very important lesson of life.." How far you can go for a promise which is not at all worth of keeping"

Bhishma took oath to serve any ruling king of Hastinapur irrespective of the personality or the virtue of king, which it self is very very wrong at first place. Bhishma was most powerful warrior who fought with his own guru Parasurama and defeated him. I strongly believe that with great power comes great responsibility, and your responsibilities are more toward people who are not so powerful and your society and mankind.

I see Bhishma as a big reason for the entire Mahabharata war. WHY?

let us take close look:--

  1. Had to abduct princesses Amba, Ambika, Ambalika for his step - brother an incompetent young king Vichitravirya, against Amba's wish and later by not honoring her

2. Forced the intelligent and beautiful princess of Gandhar, princesses Gandhari, to marry blind king Dhritarashtra making her brother Sakuni angry ....very very angry (who in turn took revenge by finishing the entire Kuru Clan)

  • Did not took up his weapon or use his power to stop Duryodhana and his brothers from disrobing Draupati, his great-grand daughter-in-law in public when she was pleading

  • Finally fighting for evil Duryodhana.

It was his promise which lead to great destruction.

It is not like that I didn't like Bhishma's Character but I really fail to understand why didn't he took a stand anytime.

So why did Krishna broke his promise and took weapon to kill Bhishma even though it was pre-decided that only "Shikhandi" along with Arjuna will kill Bhishma.

Lord wanted to Bhishma to understand how he was terribly wrong and as the head of the Kuru clan , he should have done what was right and not blindly stick to a promise which was doing all wrong things.
In my opinion Krishna made a very very strong point that "No promise in the world is big enough to stop you from doing which is veracious". At times even lord breaks his own promise to make things right.

Thats my take.


  1. Nice story, madam.
    Well written and well explained. I liked the way you narrated the story -- specially the title "How far you can go for a promise you made to someone".
    In my case, it depends on who is 'someone'! How about you?

  2. hahaha.
    means you don't keep your promises, sometimes! ;-)
