Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Supercomputer IBM for a layman like me

Last few years I am hearing a lot about “IBM Watson”. Let us see what Watson means for a layman like me  :)

 Watson became famous with the game of Jeopardy.

Let me give a brief detail about the IBM Jeopardy Challenge which was aired 14-16, February 2011. 

As you might know “Jeopardy” is a quiz competition in which contestants are presented with clues in form of an answer, and they must phrases their responses in question form. 
This was unique Man vs. Machine challenge, IBM Watson was facing off against Jennings and Rutter in a two-game match.

No price for guessing the winner, it was Watson followed by Jennings and Rutter as first and second runner ups. Watson was the winner, SO WHAT?

Ok, the show obviously got highest TV ratings, but it also brought in the age old  debate “Whether Machine is more intelligence than man”. 
My answer definitely big ‘NO’,  as we all know since our childhood that “Chacha chaudhary Ka Dimag Computer se Tez Chalta hai”. 

Watson’s journey didn’t stop after winning the game of Jeopardy, in fact Watson voyage started and it followed Sinbad's  way to explore world and uncovering many unknown avenues.

IBM has been doing continuous research and development work to benefit the mankind using this new super intelligent computer that understands the natural language (thank god! No more machine language) .
The best part with Watson is that more it is used the more it is trained. With passage of time it gains more and more experience.
Watson is here now and is available for us to make our life much easier and smarter and it is for us to take a deep dive in field of Health & clinical research, Insurance, Banking and Finance, maintaining ecology and creating new talent hubs.

You name any domain Watson can fit into it.  For Watson we can say "Watson came, Watson saw, Watson Conquered" the new era.

With Watson comes the new era of cognitive computing and we all and I mean we all Doctors, Teacher, bankers, financial advisory , call center agents, IT guys, students , teachers should embrace this new age Sinbad with open arm.
Here’s Watson at Work:-
  • Watson Engagement  Advisory : virtual assisted-service offering.

Often we struggle with the call center agent to troubleshoot a problems and often we are very very disappointed, now imagine Supercomputer Watson coming for your rescue, Haha “ Life will be such fun”.

For example , Watson WEA has joined hands with the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), financial services provider for the military community to make life easy of military guys :)

  • Watson Clinical Research  

Our healthcare system has improved quite a lot in this century but don’t you think a lot needs to be done in Healthcare decision support. Watson provides far more differentiated testing assessment. It can examined the symptoms and tell what are the tests relevant to a particular patient conditions and what are not. Wow! Isn’t it wonderful for the Doctors to have an assistant who reads the latest medical journals and have all the medical information to recommend what tests may be relevant in particular situation. Watson is handy for pharmaceutical companies has well as they can significantly reduce the time to release a new drug in the market using Watson’s intelligences.

 Let’s come forward and explore the world with Watson and don’t forget to give your valuable comments and feedback.


  1. simply too technical for me. For last 3 days, I am reading this post, but yet to understand :-)

    1. Hmm, I wanted to make it non-technical article..Next Time I will try to keep it more simplistic
