Saturday, January 24, 2015

being a hippie...

When I was child mostly I use to wear loose and ill fitted clothes and my hair untidy and  my mother used to scold me "you are looking like hippie" or "Nomad ". I always loved to wear loose and untidy clothes and look like a nomad.
After seeing Hare Rama Hare Krishna I thought Hippies are people who are drug addict .

You know what actually hippie means "Someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle". 

Aah..I am not here to discuss culture, norm, society and all. 
It Sucks Man

The best part of becoming hippie is that no one cares about you and you care about none.

But I don't advocate getting intoxicated by using extra agent like alcohol , drugs , ganja or marijuana.
or prefect Ecstasy you don't need extra agent. But sometimes your mind gets too heavy to handle.

I was drunk once, many years ago.
When I went to village and had rice beer. If you go to a typical Mishing village they will offer you apong (rice beer).
I went to several houses and had many cups of rice beer and it got into my head.
I was drunk and what I did ?
Hmm well tell you some other day.
When I was back into my sense I decided not to drink like that or get drunk.

But I think it will fun as well to get drunk or intoxicate once.

okay now I am no way promoting drugs and alcohol just telling my view and if society or social animals don't like my view I would say "GO TO HELL" .

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