Thursday, January 8, 2015

Independence what the &*#$

When writing this post I am very angry and sad with whats happening all round us. 

we say independence is the basic human right ? 
But are we independent to think, to live, to write and even to eat..

What happen in Paris is totally unacceptable and any free spirited person should condemn what has happen. You don't like cartoon .. you will come and kill us ..WTF.

If some extremely hopeless organisation of mentally ill people don't like Hindu-Muslim alliance.. you will label it as Love-Jihaad. WHO the hell has given this organization bloody right to intrude someone's privacy..has anyone.

I want to roam alone in the night, but I can’t because it is not safe. WHY the hell it is not safe. I want to travel alone in strange places but there RISK.. why the hell is this risk.

 If you don't like PK, don't see the movie. JERKS 

And Some idiotic organization have problem in Girl Child going to school, to study and use her own mind. I don't know which god they are pleasing.

Laws, rules, limits in everything we do and we don’t do, Is this what independence is?

 You can’t sleep that direction, you can’t eat that direction, you can’t. You can’t …why WE can’t.

Someone said very correctly its not "GOD who made man" but its "MAN who made GOD" for their own benefit and business.

You can kill a person but how will kill someone’s believe.

You may ask why I am writing this or boiling my blood, I ask you why you are not doing it. It does not pinch you?

Everyone who has little sense left should condemn and fight such incident and teaches these idiots, morons a lesson.


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