Thursday, January 22, 2015


I was quite unrest from last couple of days.
In other words, not in rest with myself

I was thinking what to do and how to have peace with my mind?
I decided to practice what the Buddha told us , to use my own mind and find answer from within.  

It was four years back around same time; I had the privilege to listen to the Dalai Lama. It was Great, always good to listen to a wise man.
The first thing he told was that everyone can be a Buddha. Buddha is not God; anyone who is Enlighten is Buddha. A bird can be Buddha, a tiger can be Buddha, an ant can be Buddha, a monkey can be Buddha, you and I can be Buddha. Anyone who dares to question themselves, their own action and thinks everyone else equal as self is Buddha. It was one life changing moment.

Well if you follow my blogs, you may know that I am not religious but yes I believe in KARMA. 

Good Karma is good, you are at peace with yourself and Bad Karma is bad.
How do you know what is bad and what is good?
It is very simple use your mind. Believe on your mind and search all your answer. 

To practice Buddhism, does not mean that you will have no emotion, no anger, no like , no dislike etc. You will have all this emotions, you will grief at loss of someone you loved and care, and you will hurt but take all this as a part. If you are born as a living being especially human form, you will get hurt, you will suffer. Never allow any emotion to drive you crazy. If you go crazy, be prepared to be crazy.
If you detach yourself from all these feelings and emotions, than you will became Buddha.
It is not easy to become one, it will take many birth for me at least.  But what you or I can do is take everything even feelings as it is. Like rain drops falling from sky or like getting touched by breeze. If feeling sad or hurt, just accept it, do not let these emotions to overrule you in any form. There will be a conflict in mind. Let’s different thoughts fight inside the mind. It is always better than your hands, legs or your mouth taking the charge.

I would like to share what a monk told once. He said to me if he became a Buddhist monk doesn't mean that he does not get angry or crazy. He used to get offended when someone teased him as "baldy" or “pot headed” beggar. Getting angry or sad is absolutely normal as your born as Human and Human will have emotion. But what Buddhism tells you is to question and think about your gesture before doing it. If punching the teaser will really solve the problem ever?
A comment has affected you, so you are hurt but if you don't allow such comment to affect you, then you are at peace.
It’s his way of using is Buddhi(mind). You use your mind and keep asking question till you get a satisfactory answer.
Never ever follow anything blindly ask question to yourself and to others till you have an answer.

It does not mean that you should have no desire, you will have a desire and Buddha had the desire to find answers for sufferings of life. Without the desire , he could have never found out the answer.

Watch only and only your own karma, other’s karma you can absolutely do nothing; don’t even dare to manipulate or handle other people’s karma because you cannot do that.  Only way to be rest in peace with ourselves is to observe and do analysis of our own karma and tuning our own mind and soul and try making our own mind as calm as possible.
 So rest in peace with ourseleves

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