Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For Sameer

This is a post ..my friend Kaveri writes for her brothers..Maina and Sameer..

Happy birthday Dhunu Sumit Bhuyan! May your birthday be filled with many happy hours and your life with many happy birthdays.
Dhunu you are very dear to us and considering your Birthday as very special - three years ago, Pankaj Barah and I exchanged engagement rings which marked a beautiful start of our firm relationship.
We are happy to use your birthday as a launchpad for yet another future endeavour! Today, we are dedicating a school “Gyan Bharti Vidyapeeth”, in loving memory of Thumu (Late Samir Bhuyan).
We extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Siddeshwar Bora for helping us in every possible way. Special thanks goes to Ranjeeta Pegu. I remember you accompanying me spying on Samir during school hours till today when he is gone. When we were in complete shortage of words she encouraged us by lending her heart touching words. She writes:
You always wanted to fly high in the sky,
Play all day long in the green meadows,
Enjoy the rain drops falling on your face,
Explore the beautiful world in your pace,
Bold words and bolder deeds are what you had,
Today you shine bright with the stars in the sky,
We can still hear your carefree laughter,
You are the gist of all our strength - to work for growth, foster love and care.
God has given a beautiful chance to see so many young Samir playing, dancing and living life again........
Also, on this auspicious occasion we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all near and dear ones who had supported us in making our dream come true. We expect to get your love and support like this in coming years also.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


let me start this post with John Lenon Imagine ..

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

You may say I am a dreamer but I am not the only one. Maa always say that  see only realistic dreams but whats the fun in dreaming something which realistic. I believe should always see and believe which others thinks "impossible". All the people who believed in their unrealistic dreams made the real world for you and me.  
Someone had seen unrealistic dream to fly in air and we have Aeroplane today. Someone had believe unrealistic telepathy and we smarter phones now. Always see big dreams and follow your dreams.
 Yesterday I asked my husband's niece who is 13 -14 yrs old she tells me that she want to be an engineer. I remember asking her this question few years back. She told me that she wanted to an astronaut. Now why I am telling this story because I somehow realized that as we grow bigger or older you can say , our dreams grew smaller.
I wanted to became prime minister but as I grew older my dream became smaller and smaller.
I don't like it. I don't want my dreams to go smaller and smaller.

I don't like Mr Narendra Modi at all but only thing I liked about him that he had this big unrealistic dream of becoming PM and he believed and made it real.

Everything is within you.. All your happiness, all you sorrows, your success and failures.
Netaji was dreamer ...
Che was dreamer..

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mera Dost RK

दोस्त सुना तोह होगा ना आपने , पका दोस्त था वह,
मेरे हर सुख में न था  पर मेरे हर दुःख में दुखी था वह,
Memory solid  थी उसकी 
फैक्ट/फिगर्स तोह उश्के fingertips में था,
पोएम तोह चुटकियों में बनता था वह,
गुलज़ार साहब का बड़ा फैन था वह ,
पूरा क्लास था वह,
मेरा दोस्त RK 

The Conversion Dharma..

Conversion Dharma…

With all this conversion drama and home coming theory, news debates, I thought this is the best time to share my opinion. Its crazy people have time to convert to a religion but do not have little time to practice a religion.

Let me start this serious article with a silly joke… Actually this joke was originally on Catholics and Protestants but I will reframe it on Hindus and Muslim to make it relevant with our country. Ok the story goes like this….
In a small town there were two communities the Hindus and the Muslims. The head of both the communities hated each other like crazy and leave no reason to fight and argue with each other. They did this life long. One day the head of Muslim community felt sick and was diagnosed with a deadly disease and the doctor informs him that he will die in few days. He was heartbroken and dishearten and the first thing he did was to call the Hindu leader and patch up with him. Then he said that he want to convert himself to a Hindu before he dies. Everyone was shocked..
One follower came to Muslim leader and asked him, Sir why you are doing this now, all your life you were saying bad things about the other religion and now you are changing your position. Why you misguided us. The leader said “idiot I still believe the same, But If I die as an Hindu, you guys can say Saala ek Hindu Mar gaya”. … (one Hindu is death)
Same with the Hindu leader ..if he would have been diagnosed with deadly disease ..he would have converted himself to Muslim and people would have said “Saala ek Muslim Mara” (one Muslim is death).
Ok, I think people should learn about other religion and study it if they like. If you really want to convert and explore you can like Ramkrishna Paramhans and don’t just convert practice it and you will realized it is immaterial whether you are a Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Jew.
Changing religion for money or aadhaar card..it is also not bad..In our country if by changing religion we get our basic rights then it’s not big deal… Convert to as many as religion as many as benefit you get.


Monday, December 22, 2014

IAS ..

Its 6:21pm now, I am in an Indigo flight from Guwahati to Bangalore. Three hours of non-stop flight. I have read all the pages of the in-flight magazine. There is no movie in my TP and my tablet has run out of battery. No newspaper, no in-flight entertainment, no comics , no novels.
 Today even I don’t feel like talking to my fellow passenger. Don’t look interesting enough to intrude their and my privacy.
So I have decided to write down something.
So what should be the subject today? My Traveling experiences …OKAY “Ranjeeta’s Travels”.
Though it’s not so interesting as Gulliver’s travel but I promise I had some very interesting experience.
Let me share IAS story today.
IAS no no it’s not Indian Administrative service but it invisible after sunset. With due respect to people who are dark complexioned, this term was invented/discovered by our English Professor Mr. Prasad. When he first introduce this concept of IAS, we all laughed it off and he used to tell how many boys and girls spend their fortune on creams like fair and lovely. He used to say himself an IAS, also he pointed our best friend Partha Partim Das as the one and only IAS in class. Okay now don’t get me wrong Mr. Prasad was like that only. He used make students feels like a sheep ready for Halal.

He also commented how bad my nose look like but we never minded a word as we didn’t had much options. My personal view was like he always says overmuch. 
Few years after that me, Anusuya , Partha were travelling home from Kolkata to Guwahati in train for semester break. In train we met another student like us and we befriended him. We ordered four dinner plates from the train caterer. Me , Anusuya and partha got the tickets in upper, middle and lower berth. Our new friend had his seat in adjacent lower berth. Other two co-passengers (I think two middle aged guys) who didn’t order food from railway decided to retire to their respective beds/berth. So middle berths were opened and the light was very dim. Long after we finished our dinner and doing chit chat, the caterer guy came to our berth to collect the plates and money from us. As he started collecting money, he looked very confused and little anxious as well. He looked at the list and the plates and then at us. Then he asked you guys ordered four plates and four empty plates are here but you are only three people, where is the fourth guy?
We were like  three no no we are four people  here and then suddenly I realized my best friend Partha who was seating in the window seat has just became an IAS.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Beautiful Dream

Last night, I saw a beautiful dream..
 As someone said correctly that follow you dream..

I am writing this dream for my own reference....

I saw that I have worked a lot in IT and it’s my time for retirement. 
Me and Mrityunjay has settle down in a smalll city and we joined a college as teachers.
Me with all grey hair sitting in a lab and doing some research work. I felt awesome....

Is this dream showing some way..don't know but i really enjoyed it and may follow it

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Yunhi Tum Mujhse Baat Karti Ho

I am sure you will agree with me when we are in love we do the craziest and weirdest things in planet.
  So what crazy things you have done? I did quite a lot of crazy stuff....

So why the hell on the earth I am asking this question?
Coz today’s story is based on one such crazy thing.
 This lazy afternoon I was thinking about my college roommate. Yes I am going to share her beautiful crazy story :)

My roommate was a very free-spirit, alive, friendly and Yo-Type personality. She was crazy for Sandals, Chicken curry, western music HARD ROCK to be specific, denim and sexy Tees.

She had absolutely no knowledge of Hindi songs and old Hindi movie songs were a BIG NO for her. In fact her love for western music introduced me to a whole new world of Shania Twains and  Bob Marleys and most importantly my Favorite Linkin park.

She never wore Salwar kameez or even kurtis with Jean
In class she used to wear jeans and Tees and hostel she would be found wearing her ultra-short jeans pants and spaghetti tops. She was fair- complexioned with Burgundy colored hair. Yes she was one of the hot chicks. I hope you have fairy imagined her by now. 
The story which I am going to narrate took place somewhere near the end of first semester (MTech). Mostly three of us Sonaora , Shalvika and me used to spend time together after classes in hostel and oh yes we didn't had boyfriends or affairs till this point in time.

One day Sona said to us "let’s go for shopping tomorrow I need to buy some Indian dress "Salwar Kameez with Dupattas" in particular”. Me and Shallu were like WHAT? Shallu said
 “ Abe pagal hogayi hai kya you wanna buy.Salwar Kameez with Dupatta”

She said "Yaar there some old Profs in class who like homely girls with Salwar Kameez."
We didn't believe her but "yaari dosti..taaza maaza" we went to shopping and got couple of Salwar kameez with Dupatta. So there was a visible change from jeans and tees to desi girl next door.BUT it didn't stopped here.

I got shock of my life one evening when I came back to room. OMG she was listening to Lataji and Kishore Da and the song was “Yunhi Tum Mujhse Baat Karti Ho" .Not just listening but actually she was practicing/learning that song and her playlist changed its full of Rafis, Kishores and Lata and Old romantic hindi songs...

I called Shallu we didn't understand the matter and when we confronted her what’s going on? She was like "Nope guys, nothing serious just like exploring hindi songs just like that"...
 Off course we didn’t believe her and we didn’t any proofs.

Next day Shallu came and told me that she has seen Sona with a guy (her classmate) walking near "Piya Millan" tree (lover's point). HUUH …

This guy was kind of desi and who loves OLD HINDI SONGS and now we were clear why she was learning the song "Yunhi Tum Mujhse Baat Karti Ho”

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I want to fly ..

Few days back, I was a bit confused about what I want in life...
Just few minutes back I realized what is it ?

I want to be very famous ..people should know me and love me  and adore me  like a BIRD..
I should be a queen in my own style..wait I don't need all the money and jewels in world but I want to be ALIVE.

"Jab maan kia..Bag utha kar chal pade.."I want to be Musafir or Banjara kind.

If I would have born few centuries back..for sure I would have been the lady Sindbad :)

I just want to travel all over the world ..meet people ..have chit chat and bye.....

I would fly fly fly high like a bird.

I will make my dream come true :)

So true these lines for me

I am like a bird...
I only fly away
I don't know where my soul is,
I  don't know where my home is.............
And all I need for you to know is ..
I am like a bird , o only fly away.......

Thursday, October 9, 2014

चलो आज में जितने है

हम कल में जीते है,
पर आज कितना आछा है,
हम कल की सोचते  है ,
पर आज कितना सच्चा है.……… 

हम  हमेशा अगर आज के लिए जिए तो हमारा कल कितना आछा हो।

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Better be Atheist and serve God

Few days back I was reading an article about terrorism. I could not believe that there are terrorist groups in Buddha’s name in some countries. Come on now …Terror group in name of Buddhism … the most absurd thing I could believe. Its really hard to believe.

The cores of Buddhism are non-violence and not kill anyone, forgive everyone and always follow the path of moderation.

Crazy! If you want to kill people, do bloodshed in name of Buddhism, and if feel happy about another people misery, stop linking it to Buddhism. It’s not Buddhism but it’s you own karma that is making you do that.

In fact, no religion in the world asks you or permits you to kill people.  Stop killing people and terrorizing civilians in name of religion.

People, who do such things, do it just for their own fun not for any religion.
In Middle East Asia, there are so many of the Jihadi groups killing people in the name of ISLAM but I don’t really understand what they actually want to achieve? Is it that they want to save their oil fields, take revenge against the western countries or just to make human lives miserable? One thing I am very very sure of is that it is not RELIGIOUS.
We people are so very shameless.

Lord Rama left his entire kingdom and lives in wandering in forests for 14 years, for peace of his people and his parents. Greatness of Rama is not in a palace or place. If you believe Rama is God, Can mortal confine god to a piece of land? But what is happening in our world, shameless fighting and killing in name of Rama’s Birth place.

There is a story in Islam, where Abraham was ready to do supreme sacrifice by slaughtering his dearest son Ishmael, as they both strongly believe in god. Abraham’s believe in god was so strong that he ready the sacrifice dearest thing he had. In our world people are so greedy that they don’t want to leave a piece of land for God Shake.

I strongly believe, people who say or believe they are atheist are doing great favor to GOD. And people who kill each other, hate each other, say nasty things about others, use people in name of religion and people who get influenced in name of religions are doing great disrespect to God and in no ways its RELIGIOUS.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Allah Tero naam ...Ishwar tere naam

Last week, I visited a very old and beautiful temple in Lepakshi, a tiny village in Andhra Pradesh about 120 Km from Bangalore.  There are so many wonderful things about the temple, which I will put in my travel blog http://luluimyeye.blogspot.in/ .  But let me share beautiful thing I notice in the village and temple. The temple is in a village which is inhibited per-dominantly by Muslim population and they are really taking good care of  Temple. 

One more thing I notice there a mosque just adjacent to the temple.
There were lots of Monkeys like all other temples of India. They were in  all shape and sizes.   The next big thing I saw was a big tamarind tree with lots of fruits in it ….  Naturally very tempted I wanted to check if I get some “Imali”.
When I went near the tree, I met an old and her husband sitting in shade of tree. There was no “Imali” falling from the tree. The husband told the lady to give me some from a bag.  She did so..
I thought it’s a great idea to speak to them and know more about the temple, their village and their life..
I asked “what they do?”
The lady replied they sit under the tree the whole day to safe guard it from the monkeys. The man and the lady scare away monkeys and kids and prevent them from spoiling the tamarind (Imali), by know I knew that they sell the fruits in the market. The man told me that he had taken the tree for lease for a period of one Year for Rs 3000. They would take care of the fruits and the tree for one year ,  if everything goes well by “Allah’s grace” they will get Rs 10,000 as returns.
I asked “ what time in morning they come here?”
She told me “jab shubah Allāhu akbar hota hai”.  After the Morning Adhan (or Azan)
I asked “ How long you stay here?”
She told me “ jab sham Allāhu akbar hota hai”. Till the evening Adhan (or Azan)
Many places, still the Azan tells you the time of the day, Interesting isn’t it.
This is also mentioned in the Khuswant singh’s Train to Pakistan ..
……..well we  Indian’s specially from a small town or village  makes friends very easily  and  share so many things.. The lady told me about his sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren, about the village, about the temple……………………
At the end of the conversation, I asked the lady that I wanted to take her photograph, she happily agreed.
 When I was about to leave she said “Kya amma baata bhi kia foto bhi liya aur merko kuch nahi diya”.  Gave her Rs 20 and left  for a new place.