Sunday, October 25, 2015

Connect with Your dreams

Sometimes small things makes a big difference in life..
My inability to drive car was hurting me. This I was trying since many years.
I Didn't wanted to try my hands on someone's car in the family, so finally I got my own car in 2012 and within few days I crashed it in the parking and end up paying huge money in insurance.
This is Funny but it demotivated me to core.

The feeling that I will never able to drive  a car was killing me, there was sense of unknown failure and fear.

huuh!!!Can't drive a car, what about those big dreams which I promised myself ?

 Fortunately and unfortunately, this year, I landed to a place where without a car, to be more precise without your driving skills you are a mere furniture. This place is not like Bangalore where you have Rickshaw or public buses. The Private taxi for every day use would turn me to pauper here.
I must say Uber saved my life. And few kind colleagues helped me to get to office, buy grocery and survive the cold winter.
Here I must tell you, though my husband is Good driver but he was hundreds of miles away in a different city, though he religiously travel every weekends. I was just managing the life here.
Every day I wanted to go back to India, there is so much to do here but without your driving skills nothing.

I gave the written test in RMV, I passed with flying colours but of no use, without being behind the driving seat

My Husband took this mountain task of making me drive.
Summer weekends, when everyone busy going to the beach and having fun, we ended up in IBM parking, practicing car. I always wanted that he get a job here, so that I don't have to drive and he would drop and pick me from office. Actually I had given up. We had frequent fights.

Oh ya! I need to mention this my manager never used to ask me about my work but about my driving. Everyone in office would ask me about it.
Once a guy came and said to me “hey it’s easy, just take your car and hit the freeway (as if!!), I did this when I was in high school a teenager. It was like someone rubbing salt to your injuries.

I must say it was embarrassing, hurtful, painful, depressing. I don't have enough words to jot down my feelings. Motivational videos, self-help books nothing helped. It was like if you can't drive, you can't learn anything new.

It was all DARK, CLOUDY .......SAD

 Then a miracle happen.
 One day I was playing msg-msg with one of my childhood friend in watsapp and thinking about our school days.
Suddenly this incident flashed to my mind.
I had got double zero in a math test, when I was in 2nd grade, everyone made fun of me, and they teased me as big zero, a failure. But hey! I told to myself “Hold on didn’t I completed my Engineering in fact I topped in my department, went to India’s best college for my masters in engineering without any coaching. Today I am working as a software professional without any computer background. WOW”. There was a sense of pride but at the same time I was thinking what made me to do that and what’s stopping me now?

There is a missing link, if I get this link, I will be the best driver ever.
The answer was in the movie AVATAR. You guys remember the scene when Neytiri ask Jake to choose his Ikran. It was Jake, who had to connect with his Ikran, to ride on it and win the battle. So the link was CONNECT. 
Connect to your dream, to your ambition, to your work. This philosophy is terrific and can change life forever. It is connection with the things, which I thought I will never able to do in my life made me to do them.

It was the connection missing between me and my Car that's stopping me from driving not my fear, not my failure or anything in the universe.

It has been 2 months now, I am driving my car to the office, to Grocery , to railway station, to everywhere and anywhere.
Believe me driving my car makes me feel as amazing as Jake riding his Ikran.

Keep flying 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I am very very Happy Today, because Daaku youngest nephew turned 1 on
19th Sep 2014..

You are Angel of my life... my dear , my sweetheart...

you look like baba.
your smiles make me forget everything which is not so good in life..
your presence make me feel..baba is again with us..

GOD Bless you my sweetheart..
you and Aayang are the best things happen to our lives..

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

dil dhoondhataa ha-- Gulzar..

dil dhoondhataa hai, phir wahee furasat ke raat din
baithhe rahe tasawwoor-ye-jaanaa kiye huye
jaadon kee narma dhoop aur aangan mein let kar
aankhon pe khinch kar tere aachal ke saaye ko
aundhe pade rahe kabhee karawat liye huye
yaa gamreeyon kee raat jo poorawaaeeyaan chale
thhandee safed chaadaro pe jaage der tak
taaron ko dekhate rahe chhat par pade huye
barfeeli sardiyon me kisi bhi pahaad par
waadi me gunjati huyi khamoshiyan sune
aankho me bheeege bheege se lamhe liye huye

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Life in Acton, the new Moon

Its one month now, I am in different country with different people.
I didn't post anything for more than a month now..No I  was not busy , I am having a plenty of time here.
Why I didn't post anything was because I didn't get any response from my so -called most religious followers..well What it is, it is.
 My post are a like my auto biography which I want people , my grand children to read long after I am gone.

Its 8.20 pm now, but still enough light..seems like 5 pm.  Today I decided to take a walk in the woods near to my studio. New flora-fauna , new topology , new people but when I see the sky, something very very familiar, the Moon . The Moon looked exactly the same, same as when I use to watched it from Nirjuli, same as when I use to watched it from Kharagpur, same as when I used to watched it from Mumbai , same as when I use to watched it from Bangalore.

Don't you agree "Something in life can never change." Like my habit of watching the moon and traveling in time.

Well let me share a Tantra "whenever you see the new moon, take out a note or a coin , show it to the moon and make a wish. your wish will come true" . If you don't believe me ..try it for yourself .

Posting a picture of mine ..
2015 March , Acton , MA

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

MY life in Littleton MA

Finally I am Littleton, Massachuttes . Its a small village few miles away from Boston.

Its 8:43 am in the morning and I am in office.
People start working from as early as 7 am in the morning , today morning when I reached the office reception was not there . Good that I got my badge from the department concern. People are warm here in office as well as hotel. Everyone came to my desk and wished me ..I kinda enjoyed it. One more thing I am the youngest here in my team ..

Everyone is so very excited about me joining the team , sometimes I feel scary .
But best thing working here is know people and different cultures. My manager is Russian, one of team member is Mexican lady, she is absolute sweetheart, one gentleman (in his 60) is Irish very lovable person, then one Indian from west Bengal grown by Delhi. Its Multicultural here.

This is the thing I love most about working here in Littleton. And I will use to opportunity to learn Spanish.

Who knows one day I will be sing spanish lullaby..

So many things to tell...  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Last few weeks

Hi There..

Last few weeks were hectic..
Many new ideas revolving in my brain but seriously didn't had time to jot them down..

Product release is really a tough time but now its with the QA.

what a wonderful week..AAP's landslide victory in Delhi. Amazing .My personal take away is to be infinitely optimistic no matter whatever people, society , god , demi-god, godman-woman do or says to demotivate you. Believe in your dreams with zero percent doubt.

One more positive outcome of this year was reconciliation with my bestest friend ..friend for life and even after that. Its an immanent peace. Its like you have a invisible friend, to help you always. Its a wonderful feeling.

I had couple of stories running in my mind and will pen them soon.

Like experience of spending a day with Mr. Amitabh Bachan, when he was there for promotion of Shamitabh.

A beautiful story of  girls who are friends and remains friends for life..

A political analysis of current India..

All these are few things you can expect in my blog..

okay do comment ..if you read this blog...Nothing is for free..reading and not giving your feedback is absolutely unacceptable.    

Monday, January 26, 2015

Karma is a Bitch

whatever you do here will pay here..
because Karma is a bitch..
you can not escape

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Interview

Just watch the movie The Interview, that’s how a wonderful satire should be made.
I really surprise why it was not released in theatres but anyways great that it was release digital and all people with wit and sense can watch the movie. I never knew that situation in North Korea is so terrible. First time when I heard reports that its president (supreme leader )Kim Jong –il has died but propagandist spread news like angel come down from sky and carried him and all crap , I was astonished. Then the news of giving everyone fish as the dictator loved fish one month after his death.  Killing your enemies , by feeding them to hungry dogs in full public view. Gosh now that’s in human
Crazy bullshit, you must watch the movie, stories like Kim Jong-un does not fart or poo, can you believe.  I hate people who project themselves as god and goddess.  Just to show the world that you are a tough guy, you can threaten everyone of nuke.  I feel terrible for the people of North Korea. I real wish there should be some revolution and people should throw the jerk out.  Be Fearless, be brave.
No God, no godman or entire universe can send you to hell but it’s one bad deed by you, that can give you direct entry to hell.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

being a hippie...

When I was child mostly I use to wear loose and ill fitted clothes and my hair untidy and  my mother used to scold me "you are looking like hippie" or "Nomad ". I always loved to wear loose and untidy clothes and look like a nomad.
After seeing Hare Rama Hare Krishna I thought Hippies are people who are drug addict .

You know what actually hippie means "Someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle". 

Aah..I am not here to discuss culture, norm, society and all. 
It Sucks Man

The best part of becoming hippie is that no one cares about you and you care about none.

But I don't advocate getting intoxicated by using extra agent like alcohol , drugs , ganja or marijuana.
or prefect Ecstasy you don't need extra agent. But sometimes your mind gets too heavy to handle.

I was drunk once, many years ago.
When I went to village and had rice beer. If you go to a typical Mishing village they will offer you apong (rice beer).
I went to several houses and had many cups of rice beer and it got into my head.
I was drunk and what I did ?
Hmm well tell you some other day.
When I was back into my sense I decided not to drink like that or get drunk.

But I think it will fun as well to get drunk or intoxicate once.

okay now I am no way promoting drugs and alcohol just telling my view and if society or social animals don't like my view I would say "GO TO HELL" .

Thursday, January 22, 2015


I was quite unrest from last couple of days.
In other words, not in rest with myself

I was thinking what to do and how to have peace with my mind?
I decided to practice what the Buddha told us , to use my own mind and find answer from within.  

It was four years back around same time; I had the privilege to listen to the Dalai Lama. It was Great, always good to listen to a wise man.
The first thing he told was that everyone can be a Buddha. Buddha is not God; anyone who is Enlighten is Buddha. A bird can be Buddha, a tiger can be Buddha, an ant can be Buddha, a monkey can be Buddha, you and I can be Buddha. Anyone who dares to question themselves, their own action and thinks everyone else equal as self is Buddha. It was one life changing moment.

Well if you follow my blogs, you may know that I am not religious but yes I believe in KARMA. 

Good Karma is good, you are at peace with yourself and Bad Karma is bad.
How do you know what is bad and what is good?
It is very simple use your mind. Believe on your mind and search all your answer. 

To practice Buddhism, does not mean that you will have no emotion, no anger, no like , no dislike etc. You will have all this emotions, you will grief at loss of someone you loved and care, and you will hurt but take all this as a part. If you are born as a living being especially human form, you will get hurt, you will suffer. Never allow any emotion to drive you crazy. If you go crazy, be prepared to be crazy.
If you detach yourself from all these feelings and emotions, than you will became Buddha.
It is not easy to become one, it will take many birth for me at least.  But what you or I can do is take everything even feelings as it is. Like rain drops falling from sky or like getting touched by breeze. If feeling sad or hurt, just accept it, do not let these emotions to overrule you in any form. There will be a conflict in mind. Let’s different thoughts fight inside the mind. It is always better than your hands, legs or your mouth taking the charge.

I would like to share what a monk told once. He said to me if he became a Buddhist monk doesn't mean that he does not get angry or crazy. He used to get offended when someone teased him as "baldy" or “pot headed” beggar. Getting angry or sad is absolutely normal as your born as Human and Human will have emotion. But what Buddhism tells you is to question and think about your gesture before doing it. If punching the teaser will really solve the problem ever?
A comment has affected you, so you are hurt but if you don't allow such comment to affect you, then you are at peace.
It’s his way of using is Buddhi(mind). You use your mind and keep asking question till you get a satisfactory answer.
Never ever follow anything blindly ask question to yourself and to others till you have an answer.

It does not mean that you should have no desire, you will have a desire and Buddha had the desire to find answers for sufferings of life. Without the desire , he could have never found out the answer.

Watch only and only your own karma, other’s karma you can absolutely do nothing; don’t even dare to manipulate or handle other people’s karma because you cannot do that.  Only way to be rest in peace with ourselves is to observe and do analysis of our own karma and tuning our own mind and soul and try making our own mind as calm as possible.
 So rest in peace with ourseleves

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yaad Sheher

When I was a small kid..even before Muli was born..
Baba continuously looking @ me and I @ ackoo bai...
I was a sweet kid.  
Baba got us these frocks from Mysore ..@ Nirjuli . Sahab Baboi clicked the picture..Our Lawn..Its muli and Me( I guess, I was in class 2)

Our First TV..just after we came from Tawang to Nirjuli.
Ravan uncle, Gohain Uncle, muli , me and Maa.. Baba clicked the picture with his yashika camera ..

Monday, January 19, 2015

I don't know but I feeling very very disturbed .

I don't know we breathe to live ,
or we just live because we breathe..

Seemi left us yesterday(15 years)...

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Thursday, January 15, 2015

time 10:23 pm , !5th Jan 2015

Rare but feeling very low.

Sometimes I have a strange disorder..surrounded in crowd but I feel extremely lonely and believe me its scary .
I don't know what extreme feeling is this, feels like  this is the end. sometimes you know the answer of a question but you pray for an incorrect answer.. 
I don't know , if I am making any sense..

sometimes feel like  taking Ganja or join some hippie gang.
don't know what i m typing.. but want capture this uncontrolled emotion of mind.

My emotions are always extreme.......Xtreme happiness, Xtreme Sadness..
I know xtreme is not the correct emotion..Need some air now..

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ghalib Aur Hum

कभी कभी शब्द  कितने काम हो जाते  है , कुछ एक्सप्रेस करने मे।

you know why people still love and will continue loving Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan..Ghalib because he never felt short of words.
Expressing each and every emotion so beautiful is indeed a gift...
lucky are those people who can express themselves so beautifully..

Today 14th Jan 2015, as everyone celebrating Bihu, sankarti , sitting and enjoying company of Ghalib in my living room.

you know feeling sad and feeling loneliness is a disease ..disease dangerous than Cancer..Never ever get this disease.

So whats the theme of this post .. Well nothing ..
Its more like..whatever comes to my mine , I will write down. Someone ask why I write blogs,.My blogs and my posts are my memoir. It will be there even long after I am gone. You know I think everyone has a story to tell, everyone should write. Suppose something happens and this era where we live vanishes or finishes ....imagine my blog will be treasures for the new mankind that will evolved after many years  :).. OK OK just an imagination..

See your brains travel faster than speed of sound. Ghalib to loneliness to Mankind ..  (poetry to emotion to , nuclear physics what not)..

उनके देखे से जो आ जाती है मुँह  पर रौनक
वोह  समझते है की बीमार का हाल अच्छा

 unke dekhe se joa aa jaathi hai moonh par raunaq ..
woh samajhete hain ke beemar ka haal achcha hai...

Ghalib says that on seeing her face, my face lights up and she thinks that my illness is better now. O! I do not even get the looks of sympathy now, for I just looking at her brighten up and she thinks that I am alright and recovering 

WAH WAH ... love with Ghalib :)

I will get his biography asap..

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Independence what the &*#$

When writing this post I am very angry and sad with whats happening all round us. 

we say independence is the basic human right ? 
But are we independent to think, to live, to write and even to eat..

What happen in Paris is totally unacceptable and any free spirited person should condemn what has happen. You don't like cartoon .. you will come and kill us ..WTF.

If some extremely hopeless organisation of mentally ill people don't like Hindu-Muslim alliance.. you will label it as Love-Jihaad. WHO the hell has given this organization bloody right to intrude someone's privacy..has anyone.

I want to roam alone in the night, but I can’t because it is not safe. WHY the hell it is not safe. I want to travel alone in strange places but there RISK.. why the hell is this risk.

 If you don't like PK, don't see the movie. JERKS 

And Some idiotic organization have problem in Girl Child going to school, to study and use her own mind. I don't know which god they are pleasing.

Laws, rules, limits in everything we do and we don’t do, Is this what independence is?

 You can’t sleep that direction, you can’t eat that direction, you can’t. You can’t …why WE can’t.

Someone said very correctly its not "GOD who made man" but its "MAN who made GOD" for their own benefit and business.

You can kill a person but how will kill someone’s believe.

You may ask why I am writing this or boiling my blood, I ask you why you are not doing it. It does not pinch you?

Everyone who has little sense left should condemn and fight such incident and teaches these idiots, morons a lesson.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mozart of Madras..

Mozart Of Madras...

No other day to say "thank you" than on your birthday, yes you are the Mozart of Madras.. n best composer of our life time.
Thank you AR Rahman.  you music is life.

Many times I am sad , low , happy , excited, in love, in break ups, in link-ups..Rahman's  music is the best dose for me. For instance , I was terrible down and sad this morning, but now I am fully charged , active and in love with myself again, All thanks to you ARR..
you motivate me much to write a post about me and your music..

what should i write in this post ?
Let me list my top 5 AR Rahman Songs. If anyone else read this post ever ..please do add you favorite Rahman songs--

Here is my list :-
 1. Columbus columbus chutti hai Aai.: This song goes with my motive of life . To discover new places , breaks the boundary and explore new heaven. As the songs says work hard for five days then 2 days just take a break and explore new unseen places and sometimes seen places.
This songs also searches for place where everything good and happy. No dirty politics no sickness, no poverty , no one sad. Have you got one .. I am searching ..............................
Here's the song just check out :-

2. chinnamma chilakkamma meenaxi..
Oh I hate the video as much as I love the song . This song perfectly uses the favour of south in hindi song. I love the tempo and beat of the music. This song will make you loose you body and swing with the music. Very beautifully used traditional musical instruments.
I wish the video should have done justice to the beautiful song
Wiki says "The initial lines of "Chinnamma Chilakamma" give a feel of South Indian peppy number, but as Sukhwinder Singh picks up his lines, a Hyderabadi accent is revealed. The lyrics are penned by Sukhwinder Singh"

Tithili dabochili maine,
 zindagi khayal ki tere 
Saare jahan ki rangat, 
mutti main aa gayi mere 
Zindagi khayal ki tere,
 hansta hua chaman tere 
Shikaven shikayaton ka tum, daaman gawafon ki dede ..

3. yeh jo des hai tera :
This song reminds me of Arunachal pradesh.The lush green mountains , the clear blue river , the innocent childhood we had...
I really miss I am childhood .. And SRK.... I love him :) in the movie.

4. Tere Bina --Guru..
best romantic song and that too in god's own voice. Just love each and  lines and many things which are hidden under the line..
This song makes me feel very special ..don't why but i love it ..eternal 

5. khamoshiyan gungunane lagi
This is the first song of Rahman and Lataji..
I have notice the song much but friend of mine made me realize the greatness of the song 
and most importantly my mom adore this song...

Sit Back , close your eyes and listen ..and ..

AYE AJNABI...but the remix one .. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bahoot Muskil karte hai..

बहुत मुस्किल करते है ,
बीच मछधार मैं छोड़  देते है ,
जब बहुत मुस्किल से खुद को और अपने होशो को संभाला हमने
फिर कुछ आधुरी बाते करके
बहुत मुस्किल करते हैं 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Dhak Dhuk

By-Swanand Kirkire

Piya bin dil lage na ek pal ko man ma lage thes
Kaise jaaun main paraye des
Piya mora nithura
Piya na samjhe man ka ye sandes
Kaise jaaun main paraye des

Jiyara jiyara jiyara dhak dhuk hoye
Jiyara dhak dhuk hoye
Hoye haaye haaye..
Khamkha khamkha khamakha dhak dhuk hoye
Jiyara dhak dhuk hoye
Haaye hoye haaye
Piya bin dil lage na ek pal ko man ma lage thes
Kaise jaaun main paraye des

Oh kabhi dil dhadke
Baai ankh phadke
Tu na humein bhool jaaye re
Tujhe dil jaane, poora pehchane
Naina ye phisal jaaye re

Sehmi si palkein
Moti ek chhalke
Ke tera zikr jab bhi aaye
Thodi fikr chhu ke jaaye haaye hoye haaye
Jiyara Jiyara Jiyara dhak dhuk hoye
Jiyara dhak dhuk hoye
Haaye hoye haaye
Piya bin dil lage na ek pal ko man ma lage thes
Kaise jaaun mai paraye des

Ho ye din raatein
Teekhi teri baatein 
Kya kare jo yaad aaye re
Tere taane-vaane, chhoone ke bahane
Dil ko bada sataaye re
Kyon na hume roke eko baar toke
Ke tera zikr jab bhi aaye
Thodi fikr chhu ke jaaye haaye hoye haaye
Jiyara Jiyara Jiyara dhak dhuk hoye
Jiyara dhak dhuk haaye hoye haaye
La la la....
Kaise jaaun mai paraye des