Thursday, December 23, 2010

तोफ्हन उठा कर जीते है , जीनेवाले

My thanks giving list will not be complete without thanking you. I know I have hurt you the most but its you who had trusted me the most even when I was not sure about myself. I know we can never be friends like before and you have your own beautiful life and I have my own. You were there in my most difficult times, I can never repay what you have done to me and my family in this life and coming so many lifes. Believe me the respect I have for you from the first day I met you till this moment of my life has never and will never change a bit. I know at times I was very rude to you and we had most disgusting arguments in the planet. I know its only my blogs that you still read sometimes, its the only mean I can thank you my friend.

"तोफ्हन उठा कर जीते है , जीनेवाले
आपनी छोटी सी कश्ती में खुश रहते है , खुश रहने वाले

कभी पास नहीं पर दुवाओ में हमेशा रहते है, कुछ साथ निभाने वाले"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beautiful People!

How important the question “am I good looking Or beautiful?” for you. You ask girls about their new year resolutions and you likely to get answers like I want to reduce weight, maintain prefect figure, some even want to get that size zero like Kareena, some flawless skin like kat, blah ..blah... Its not only the girls but the new age metro-sexual men who are leading the race. Don’t believe me switch on the idiot box in your room and see of yourself starting from deo, shaving creams , whitening creams never ending list of cosmetics.

I am not saying all these is bad or its wrong and that I don’t make stupid resolution like this. Yes I do like most of the idiots in the lot. As someone told to me “If you can’t take care of your body , how can you take care of other things in life”. Its also true. We should respect and take care of something so nice that we have. But there is a very fine line between taking care of self and becaming a self obsessed.

But whats the limit of this madness. I am sure you guys also must have been come across certain situations when this madness has really really became dangerous.

One of my friend told me its human tendency to like EVEN over ODDS, Fairer skin as compare to darker one, good looking people as compare to not so good looking people.

Well I was reading Mrs Indira Gandhi’s Biography when she was in her teens one of her aunt commented about her looks and dark circle under eyes. This remark went so deep into her mind that she was suffering from inferiority complex all through her life but she overcame these complexities and became very successful in later stage of her life.

I know a college friend of mine who is so nice hearted and good looking also but i don’t know what garbage has gone into her mind that she feels that No one will like her; people will comment about her , her body at all that crap; Even to this day she is unwilling to meet anyone new and try to avoid ceremonies where many people would recognize her . Once she even tried to avoid an award ceremony where she was going to get recognization for her hard work and dedication in AMG of her office but with lot of courage she went there and all she got was praise from everyone present there.

And Why I am writing this article in my blog is because very recently I went to a beauty Salon and a little incident happen that shook me and forced me to write this blog. While I was waiting for my turn a lady with her teenage daughter came there ; the in-charge of the salon came to them . I was going through some magazine and overheard their conversion, it seems they were going through some treatments sessions.

The girl may be of 13-14 yrs was suffering from excessive hair growth on her face and even after 4-5 sittings as the salon had promised the hair growth has not ceased. The In-charge told you should do a harmonal test once. The mother told her that we have done that and doctor says there is nothing to be worried about. Then I looked at the girl, she was a little plump , big eyes and a thick glass on her face it remind me of my teenage except for those big eyes. I didn’t figured out anything wrong in her face .The In-charge again open her big bad mouth and said even eunuch who cames for this kind of treatment gets results in few sitting , she is a girl and should not have this much facial hair growth. I could see tears coming out of the little girls eyes.

I felt very bad and could not bear to listen further the conversion and I interrupted the In-charge and ask “how much more time it will take , can I have a cup of coffee please”. By then I realised how much and what kind of harassment each day the poor girl has to go through.

Why the hell we comment on others look, dressing etc and why the hell we are so bothered about others comment so much. This message is for you sweetheart “Feel proud of whatever you have and thank God, Many can’t see, many can’t hear, many people don’t have the liberty to play or dance like you even if they want , Many people can’t sing or talk like you do“

Einstein was not as handsome as a Tom Cruise or a Brad pit but history of mankind will remember Einstein more than any handsome guy in the planet . By any means I am not saying that Einstein was not good looking but his looks are very trivial considering his works . Even Tom Cruise or Brad Pit is known because of their acting skills than their good looks.

I think beauty/good looks are Superficial thing; its just a cover , only once the cover is removed then we can see the real things.Everyone has something , something special that god has given to us, just try to find out the special thing in you and believe me people will remember you for that.

Monday, December 20, 2010

"Main ek patang hun….bahut udati hun" : Year That was : Part 6

Beautiful Friend
17th Dec 2010 7.30pm Bangalore 
I was stepping out of my office and got call from her. ‘Hello Madam’ a very cheerful voice from the other side as usual except for few times when she is really really down
 ‘ Hey Wassup!  Whats your Friday plan’ I asked. She said “nothing I will go home and prepare for my TD certification and BTW what is your plan?
 I said “Kuch nahi Yaar! I will go home and try to finish some of my incomplete blogs.  I am missing Mumbai days when after office we use to go to cross word, buys books and stuff and dinner @ yellow chillies and Chocolate brownie with ice cream”.
We use to talk almost every day or at least chat once in a day. We have discussed so many thing that I use to say to her that actually we can do PhD and publish our Fundas in human psychology without a degree.  We talked for more than half an hour about being happy and everything falling into place , then suddenly she popped-up the same old question she asked me long back “ Will you pray with me?”, instantaneously I said “Yes I would love to that”. As soon as these words come out from my mouth it took me to flashback.
March 2010, TD Office Mumbai
For some silly reason which I don’t even remember now, I was very down and upset. We came out of office decided walk & talk. After much discussion suddenly she ask me “do you pray? Lets pray together once”. Tears come out of eyes, I said “No I don’t, I don’t believe in God and I will not beg before him” and tears kept on coming out of my eyes. She didn’t say anything that time or forced me. But that day onwards she kept on telling me about her faith in god and good things. She took all the pain to mail me everyday stuff from bible. She tried slowly but continuously building my faith in god. After sometime somewhere deep inside slowly I started admiring her faith and it was her faith that made her so positive about everything in life ****
We (including Vini & laxmi) had great time in Mumbai TD. Shopping from R City Mall to Nirmal Life Style, trying all the fancy restaurant and dinning bar in the city, sitting 40% of our office times in canteen, trying out Chicken every single day in office canteen, very deadly Vishapur Trek. I had wonderful few months in TD
Now that I have start believing firmly that everything in life as a purpose and the only purpose I join Teradata was to meet a strong believer in faith, a great friend and beautiful Person called RASHMI POOJARI (RP).
P.s : Oh yes Rashmi! Even I felt the dialogue “Main ek patang hun….bahut udati hun... main mere life ke har scene main ek star hun...” fits you perfectly..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

An Appeal!!

My dear friends!
Thanks for reading my blogs. I know I am not a proficient writer, I write because I love to talk and share my experience to my friends. At same time I also and always liked to listen to you all. But all the time it’s not possible for my friends to be around and listen or talk to me, so I thought of penning these small little things in a small way. My motive behind writing this blog is to bring smile on your faces, like the way I had smile after experiencing them.
 Some of you I know in person, some of you I never met but in this virtual world I want my words/my feeling should touch you all irrespective of my physical presence

Well this New Year I have assigned a task for myself and which I will not be able to complete without your support. The task is penning down different customs & traditions and art of living in different parts of India starting from different tribes of Arunachal to Kutch in Gujarat to rich culture of coastal Tamil Nadu to mountains of Leh –Ladakh.  

I know it’s a very big task but with your help I will try and give it a shot. Join me in making friends from all over India and reveal many hidden customs. I will be starting new series of Blog “The Magical People from Mysterious Land”, hey that is what I am thinking you guys can suggest me some more fancy names too.

Please Guys I need your help in this and it’s time for you also to re-visit your roots. lets try

---Ranjeeta 20th Dec 00:00

Thursday, December 16, 2010

दिल से

बहुत मिल जाते है , साथ हंस ने के लिए ,
बहुत रोने का  मन हो तो  कहाँ जाऊ ...
हँसता हुआ चेहरा सब ने देखा ,
आपनी आसू किसको देखाऊ ...
कभी लगता है खुद को भूल ने के लिए इस दीवानी भीड़ में खो जाऊ

Be At peace God is in Charge

In one of my previous blog I mentioned about meeting an amazing lady in Bus while coming from Pune to Mumbai.I already told you meeting her was like meeting God in disguise,  she told me many interesting things about life & stories which changed my way of looking life. I penning the down another story she told me.

Jul 2010

Ashaji ask me so do you watch TV serials?  I said  “ Yes , TV is the best boy friend I ever had and I know it will never ditch me too”. She smiled at me and said “ why are you so sarcastic? “ . I smiled back to her and said god has been very unfair too me. 

Ashaji  smiled to me and said “ Young lady don’t push too hard ; people of your generation wants to get everything so fast and so easy and don’t even want to suffer any pain. You guys are suffering from a deadly disease Known as EGO which more deadly than Cancer. Sometimes it good to leave everything in god’s hand and everything he do will be just  fine. I will tell you an incident from Mahabharata. Hey BTW do you know MahaBharata?"

Offcourse! Ashaji I have seen it in TV so many times!!!”

After Pandavas lost  to kauravas  in the gambling match , Dushasana tries to strip Draupadi of her sari in presence of everyone. She begged everyone present there too help her but no one came forward to help her. Even her husbands unable or unwilling to help her, Draupadi prays to Krishna Protect her.  She tried to grab her sari using her teeths, she tried all possible ways to protect herself. Till that timelord Krishna didn’t came to protect her .

Helpless Draupadi leaves the sari from her teeths and held her hands to the sky and leaves everything on Krishna. As soon as draupadi leaves everything on Krishna  a miracle occurs as Dushasana unwraps layers and layers of her sari, her sari keeps getting extended. Finally, a tired Dushasna backs off without being able to strip Draupadi.
Ashaji told me as long as you are able to take care of your problem god will not intervene as god has many more work to do. Once you are really really helpless leave everything on God, then God will take the charge.  So whenever you are into a really really bad situation and in no position to help yourself just leave everything on God. God will take charge then.

Phir Kya .. I became Bindass and Be At peace God is in Charge

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bachi de Sachi!!

I must say she is the most intelligent, sensible Marathi Mulgi, I ever met in my life.
Sadly I have not met her much this year in 2010. I still remember the times in reliance discussing the CDA, Advisors and SM portals. She is very unlike other normal girls, she thinks very rational and I must logically too. One of the best testers I have seen in my small professional life and offcourse one of my best friend

One December evening in 2009

I just had a big fight with one of the manager in RLIC. I must say one of the biggest Fights in my entire professional life. Enough is enough I left room and just went out for fresh air. Tears were coming out of my eyes. I was thinking “this 2years I have put in so much of hard work to make this project a success and never had any problem with any other manager, user or vendor”.

I called Bachi who just left company one week back. I told her every single detail about my fight and me getting upset. We talk for an hour in phone and after realising that my grievance are not over yet.  We decided to meet in inorbit  Mall vashi. On meeting her I started another round of my “Dukh bari story”.
Bachi kept on listening to me quietly. Finally I felt little better and Bachi suggested that we should eat something interesting to forget all worries. We went to the food court and ordered chicken tikka, chicken briyani.chicken soup..etc.

One thing is common for all the chicken lovers and it is that it only takes one juicy bite of chicken to make a very sad down feeling into a very happy yuppie feeling within a few seconds.
We had the finest non-veg stuff in the food court. By now I was completely changed person don’t even remember that I was so depress few hours back all due to Bachi effect. Then we decided to shop some really cool Tees from one of the leading brand.

We both selected very funky tops with the promise that we will not wear this in each others marriage.

Bachi you always made me feel related to you. I think you are the one who have seen me crying most of the times in the wash room. Bachi you will always hold a special place in my life. There is so much I have learned from you and there are so many things I still need to learn from you. I hope to meet you more often in 2011. I wish u all the luck and great future. Without you my journey in reliance is incomplete!!!

Mr Snob to Mr Generous! --part 4

 RLIC office Mumbai , March 2008..

I Join Reliance as Asst Manager with little knowledge about Oracle Database, No knowledge about the ETL and absolutely no Knowledge about the PORTAL which I suppose to take care . 

One day the testing Guy  comes to me and say  “ See these are the issues in the new reports and I have been updating the defect sheets but the developer don’t seems to be bothered”. “ Lemme just go through the reports once and the defect sheets”. After going through the reports I realized, yes these are bugs and needs to handle and Mr Developer didn’t  even bother to revert back to this gentleman’s defects.
So I decided to take the issue to my Boss “MM”.

It was late afternoon My Boss was having conversation with the IBM manager, we summon Mr Jay the Developer also to address the issue. Then there after was a heated discussion with all the parties blaming each other . Finalyy it was decided that IBM will fix the bugs reported.Me and testing Guy came back to our Desks and there was great feeling as if we have won a Battle against some mighty King!!

 Within 10 mins the Testing Guy came running to me and said “ Hey Ranjeeta look what Mr Developer has done!” .  He showed me the reports and the Advisors Monthly Performance Report was displaying

So I geared up for another round of discussion . I immediately took the snapshot and pasted in a word document , opened my lotus notes and shoot a mail to ‘MM’ then rush downstair to my Boss  and concerned manager. When I reached there MM was trying hard to be serious and controlling his laughter. The concern Manager looked at me and said “ O! Its very wrong , I will talk to Mr Jay about this and I must admit Mr tester is really doing a good Job”. I was thinking so where is Mr Jay who was responsible for all this Mess and got to know that he had already called it a day and  relaxing in his Guest House. I thought  what a snob this Guy is and like all his team members he thinks all RLIC Managers are fool with zero or non technical knowledge have to teach him a lesson. Slowly things changed , heated arguments became a decent technical conversations and slowly slowly everyone became comfortable and one fine Day we made the reports LIVE!!! 

One after other project and I realise Mr Jay is not a snob by any means.

July 2010, Mumbai
One fine day I called Mr Jay  for a help “Hey Jay I am coming to Blr for an interview ! could you help me with some details....
Mr Jay “ Yes Offcourse....................”

Sep 2010, Bangalore

Hey Jay I m in Blr and I need to find an accommodation, Pl z help me in getting one”.  
 “ Don’t worry Ranjeeta  Appko Bangalore me thikane lagana meri responsibility  hai and surely I help you”.   Believe me Mr Jay googled all the Girl’s  PG available near my office and called all the possible agents to get me an accomodation. Finally I got a decent accomodation.After coming to Blr I realised what a perfect Gentleman is Mr Jay and its not because he helped me but he is really a kind and a generous person. You made my dark , boring , away from home this diwali into twinkling bright HaPpY Diwali..You are a real true Friend  and feel blessed to have a friend like you.   

Gyan I Got :- Never To judge a book by its Cover!               
:- Don't be judgmental or prejudice about anyone or any things. Just a little change in the angle very thing changes..

 P.s.   Jay you also fall into my category of peoples who dare to dream so many things and  make plans every single day and deep inside we know someday we will make all our plans successful . Cheers!!! Have a nice year end and very promising new Year 2011.

Friday, December 10, 2010

College Jumble ...

IIT kanpur is famous of its highest educational quality, various scientific & engineering research , very strigent work schedule & course materials blah blah ........... but but equally notorious of some of most Atrocious professors also. Well here I am Penning a real story which happen to one of my friend few days back...

All the characters in the story are real but their names are frictional that my friend gets the degree and the professor does not sue me .

One Day Prof Zamal Habib summon one of his research scholar Akash. It was what next followed :-

Prof Zamal : “My Son think of a hypothetical situation, You have your Thesis in your right hand and a fully loaded Gun on Your Left hand”.

Then Professor took a long pause .Akash was thinking professor has really gone nuts! Phew God Save me !! He will screw me today.

Prof Zamal : “So Akash where was I?

Akash: “ Sir, Thesis in the right hand and Gun on the Left hand.

Prof Zamal : “ hmm and there are two birds sitting on that Mango tree “. Pointing to the big Mango tree visible from his chamber. “So son, what will you select –your Thesis or Shooting the birds with Gun? Tell me?

Aksash : “ My Thesis Sir”

Professor gave the most guileful smile in the universe and slowly said “ Thats what you are not doing. And my dear because Thesis are in your right hands ; you will not be able to kill the birds also and then you will became a complete looser so its high time for you to choose either of the two –THESIS OR KILLING BIRDS. I hope are getting what I am saying?”

Akash slowly nodding this head and very scared by now.Prof Zamal : “ So Akash whats in your Hands now ?” Nervoulsy Akash replied “ The Birds Sir!” and that day Prof Zamal had a hearty laughter after long long time  :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

LucKy Friend + Ante + FAALE --year that was part 3

It was during my low phase time, every single thing going against me. Not happy with the job, recession , a really big strange city. I still remember my conversion with Faale in canteen.

Me : “ I don’t like this job. I don’t like this place. I don’t like anything and this bloody recession.”

Faale: “ Hey dear have some patience. God knows what he is doing believe in god.”

Me :” I don’t believe in God. Nothing call God exist. If God is there that he does not like me at all. Why all the bad things are happening to me. I want to leave this job and this place.No interview calls, even if some interview happens they don’t reject me but they don’t select me either. You know I had a fight with that “%%&&@###” and I don’t wish to work here anymore. I am not happy. This week I m going for IBM interview, I hope I crack that and then next week ,I have an L&T interview

Faale: “Ok if possible I will meet after the interview this staurday. Good Luck and prepare well for the interview.”

The interview went well but by the time HR round was due it was quite late and the panel left before the HR interview. The placement consultancy inform that they will intimate whenever the HR round will happen, which means its quite possible that it may never happened also. I was terribly upset and down.

Same evening,Faale came to meet me at the venue, I told him everything. “ why the hell your God is doing all these things too me”. He does not want me to be happy. You see all these months everything which is bad is happening to me.Everytime I made up my mind to give it a try and be happy , everytime something unwanted happens. You told me the same IBM thing happen to you also last time and HR round never happened. I am so very upset. If god does not want my happiness , then why the hell he is keeping me alive?.

 Faale just said “ leave it don’t worry , Monday is your L&T interview Just think about it and go for it. Let me help you to get a rickshaw so that you go home and relax now”.

Monday I came early to office open my laptop and told Faale that I am going for interview to L&T office , you manage here. Faale as usual “don’t worry ma, I will Take care”.

When I reached L&T office , I got a sms from faale “ Check your bag’s front pocket, your good time is waiting for you”. I open it and there was a beautiful wrist watch . I was very touched by this gesture and to honor his feeling i wore the watch in my right hand instead of my left hand as i do normally.

And yes Indeed my time changed. I cleared the L&T interview and the very same day I got call from IBM for HR round discussion. After that I got call from 7-8 companies for interview and I cleared all of them and every interview I wore my lucky watch in my right hand.

Faale you gave me a lucky Rs5 coin and its still in my wallet.

I realise its not the lucky things but your good wishes which were lucky for me. Today you are far away in some other place and we will hardly meet in future also but "Faale" ! U rocks yaar. I will never get a honest friend like you. You are the best !! 

“Oye Lucky ! lucky Oye””....

Discovery of Friend (phoolwala)—part 2

This story is of a friend I have know for years but i think I have re-discover him this year and got to learn so many small yet big things.

Flashback ..Somewhere in Nov 2002

Hey Nice Performance ..A rose for you”. I was shocked to get red rose first time from a stranger and did n’t know what to do. But it is always great feeling to be admire by someone. I liked it because it was the first time in my life someone gifting me a Red ROSE and I immediately took it without giving much of a thought. As soon as i took the rose as many as 40 odd classmates and juniors clapping , cheering and shouting.

I was thinking “OMG whether I have done right or wrong? What they must be thinking ? oh God I hope the guy does not think something odd about my behavior” ..Oh gosh I hope no professor was near or know about it , my goody-two-shoe image will shattered now“.

Somewhere I was happy that a guy has the guts to give a Red rose and I can show off it to my friends and tell them that I m not a boring gal or a book worm Type. Later my Best friend told me that the Guy was from their state and from our batch but different department. Later same function the guy asked me for a dance and I accepted immediately. I don’t know whether it was good or bad but i enjoyed that 

This incident became very popular with my friends and they got a very valid reason to tease me as i always use to do so.Days passed and after a year I left college and join my new college for higher studies. I never got a chance to talk to Mr Phoolwala again.

Thanks to Social networking sites , I got in touch with Mr Phoolwala again with simple Hi/Hello /Bye in orkut and face book. We exchanged our numbers and talked once in a blue moon. Time passed I got into different jobs, different Family responsibilities and started liking someone I thought good enough to understand me and stand with me. Life was good and everything seems to be like fairy tale till now.

Then trouble started and my dreamland was shattered. Dark clouds all over with no sunshine. I was left with a broken relationship . I was all alone in a crowded city. I never thought life can be that cruel to me. Life was miserable now, No hopes , no dreams. I just wanted to leave everything and run away but where? I distant myself from everyone including people with whom I always so close. I stopped replying to mails, visiting to social networks, recieving and making calls. This went on from couple of months.

After much help from some of my still existing friends, I decided to come out of shell and restart my life and try to make it beautiful and meaningul. First thing i thought was to reconnect to all the people with whom i have disconnected myself with any reason.

During one of the assignment of “ Mission Reconnect” I called up Mr Phoolwala.

One evening somewhere in Apr-May this year, I dialed a number and a very familar voice from other side said “Hello”. I said “Its me Ranjeeta, Do you remember me?”. Yeah I remember you Civil department topper . Do you remember the last time when I called you and what did you said that time?. “ Sorry I don’t remember , many things happen in between . You tell me.
Last time when I called you , you said "I am in a meeting and will call me after sometime: And look at you calling me after 1 year 6months!!"
 Gosh why you didn’t call me all these years.

I Got the reply “I was waiting for your call”.

It was begining of good friendship , Now Any time I feel like talking to someone close I can always call my Phoolwala friend . Who stills thinks I am partially Matured rather than Fully Matured !!

P.S : Dear Mr Phoolwala, I have really weakness for flowers and flowers always bring happiness and joy that day I couldn’t thank you but today I would like to thank you and the above pics will also remind something :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Year That Was!! part 1

AS the year is coming to an end , I thought of putting down all the best thing happen to me this year in a series of blog .This year I met many beautiful people and many people I re-discover again after years. Friends I have kept a nick name for all of you in the blog just to hide your identity.I hope you will enjoy reading it and will give ur comments and feedback.
The New year Day

Date :31-12-2009 place Airoli(Navi Mumbai)
11.20 pm : “Soni yaar I m tried and going for sleep. K Ranjeeta me too..
12.00 pm : My cell phones rings a very familar voice from the other side “Hello Happy New Year Dear”.
Me : “Yeah ! Happy Year To you Too , is it you Sindabad the Sailor?” From where the earth you are calling and after so many years? Thats a surprise.

Sindabad :Today I was not sailing and I had your number so thought of calling & wishing you. How are you doing? How is everyone back home ?

Blah blah ***************
Sindabad : OK ! Hey i call you again ,gotta wish so many other people. Take care byeeee!
I was thinking Wow what a start an unexpected call from a very old friend, This year is certainly gonna be full of surprises!!!!! I looked at clock hanging on the wall “Its 12:05 am 1st Jan 2010” Begining of a new year and new hopes!. Phone starts ringing and many more new year wishes coming in from families and friends.
Suddenly Soni cames and say “Ranjeeta what is this , we are just sleep and whole world is welcoming the new year lets do something “. Lets play music , TV , Dance or atleast eat something great ! lets do something Damn it ! Its new year! And offcourse we did that. Lets go for “3 idiots” today the morning show.
Date :1-1-2010 place: Sector 8 Bus stop
Me and Soni waiting for Bus. After 15mins one bus came very crowded, we hurried to get inside the bus. I pushed Soni into the bus but just before i could get in it moved. OMG what a start I missed my first bus on the first day on the new year! Never missed any bus—So Year of Surprises starts.

All the people waiting with me got into the bus.I was alone in stop now. Hey wait! Whats that coming? Wow a brand new AC Bus with lot of empty seats. I got into the bus, indeed it was a new buses with the driver playing all the great music tracks of 2009. I took the window seat and started thinking “OK God thats a nice sign”. Enjoyed the bus ride, Enjoyed the Movie and enjoyed the great day!.

I want to Thank Soni and Sindabad for being such a wonderful person and for making me happy..
Soon I will come up with another incident that happen this year.Who time it might be story the Story of Hum and Tum.

Gyan I Got: Don’t get too upset when you miss something or don’t get something, who knows something better is stored for you next!!!