Friday, December 3, 2010

Year That Was!! part 1

AS the year is coming to an end , I thought of putting down all the best thing happen to me this year in a series of blog .This year I met many beautiful people and many people I re-discover again after years. Friends I have kept a nick name for all of you in the blog just to hide your identity.I hope you will enjoy reading it and will give ur comments and feedback.
The New year Day

Date :31-12-2009 place Airoli(Navi Mumbai)
11.20 pm : “Soni yaar I m tried and going for sleep. K Ranjeeta me too..
12.00 pm : My cell phones rings a very familar voice from the other side “Hello Happy New Year Dear”.
Me : “Yeah ! Happy Year To you Too , is it you Sindabad the Sailor?” From where the earth you are calling and after so many years? Thats a surprise.

Sindabad :Today I was not sailing and I had your number so thought of calling & wishing you. How are you doing? How is everyone back home ?

Blah blah ***************
Sindabad : OK ! Hey i call you again ,gotta wish so many other people. Take care byeeee!
I was thinking Wow what a start an unexpected call from a very old friend, This year is certainly gonna be full of surprises!!!!! I looked at clock hanging on the wall “Its 12:05 am 1st Jan 2010” Begining of a new year and new hopes!. Phone starts ringing and many more new year wishes coming in from families and friends.
Suddenly Soni cames and say “Ranjeeta what is this , we are just sleep and whole world is welcoming the new year lets do something “. Lets play music , TV , Dance or atleast eat something great ! lets do something Damn it ! Its new year! And offcourse we did that. Lets go for “3 idiots” today the morning show.
Date :1-1-2010 place: Sector 8 Bus stop
Me and Soni waiting for Bus. After 15mins one bus came very crowded, we hurried to get inside the bus. I pushed Soni into the bus but just before i could get in it moved. OMG what a start I missed my first bus on the first day on the new year! Never missed any bus—So Year of Surprises starts.

All the people waiting with me got into the bus.I was alone in stop now. Hey wait! Whats that coming? Wow a brand new AC Bus with lot of empty seats. I got into the bus, indeed it was a new buses with the driver playing all the great music tracks of 2009. I took the window seat and started thinking “OK God thats a nice sign”. Enjoyed the bus ride, Enjoyed the Movie and enjoyed the great day!.

I want to Thank Soni and Sindabad for being such a wonderful person and for making me happy..
Soon I will come up with another incident that happen this year.Who time it might be story the Story of Hum and Tum.

Gyan I Got: Don’t get too upset when you miss something or don’t get something, who knows something better is stored for you next!!!

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