Thursday, December 16, 2010

Be At peace God is in Charge

In one of my previous blog I mentioned about meeting an amazing lady in Bus while coming from Pune to Mumbai.I already told you meeting her was like meeting God in disguise,  she told me many interesting things about life & stories which changed my way of looking life. I penning the down another story she told me.

Jul 2010

Ashaji ask me so do you watch TV serials?  I said  “ Yes , TV is the best boy friend I ever had and I know it will never ditch me too”. She smiled at me and said “ why are you so sarcastic? “ . I smiled back to her and said god has been very unfair too me. 

Ashaji  smiled to me and said “ Young lady don’t push too hard ; people of your generation wants to get everything so fast and so easy and don’t even want to suffer any pain. You guys are suffering from a deadly disease Known as EGO which more deadly than Cancer. Sometimes it good to leave everything in god’s hand and everything he do will be just  fine. I will tell you an incident from Mahabharata. Hey BTW do you know MahaBharata?"

Offcourse! Ashaji I have seen it in TV so many times!!!”

After Pandavas lost  to kauravas  in the gambling match , Dushasana tries to strip Draupadi of her sari in presence of everyone. She begged everyone present there too help her but no one came forward to help her. Even her husbands unable or unwilling to help her, Draupadi prays to Krishna Protect her.  She tried to grab her sari using her teeths, she tried all possible ways to protect herself. Till that timelord Krishna didn’t came to protect her .

Helpless Draupadi leaves the sari from her teeths and held her hands to the sky and leaves everything on Krishna. As soon as draupadi leaves everything on Krishna  a miracle occurs as Dushasana unwraps layers and layers of her sari, her sari keeps getting extended. Finally, a tired Dushasna backs off without being able to strip Draupadi.
Ashaji told me as long as you are able to take care of your problem god will not intervene as god has many more work to do. Once you are really really helpless leave everything on God, then God will take the charge.  So whenever you are into a really really bad situation and in no position to help yourself just leave everything on God. God will take charge then.

Phir Kya .. I became Bindass and Be At peace God is in Charge


  1. very true and well exemplified ...... all sentences of that lady are fantastic ......our generation is indeed trapped in a marsh....u may call it competition/success/awareness...bla bla.....I am not against all these but everything in life has it own right time and pace......getting untimely 'Better' things can be disaster unless we are mature enough to handle that.........

    BTW you have mentioned "Even her husbands unable or unwilling to help her" ......It's not that Pandavas were unwilling to help her but they they themselves were helpless .......Being epitome of human ethics and values they were tied in the same........They had put themselves ( including Yudhistir - king of Khandavprasta aka Indraprasta )in the final bet and had lost.....which means they became slave....and being a slave they cannot go against orders of their masters........They have uphold ed every human values including that of slavery......kudus to that period and them.....

  2. 100% right.. i have felt this so many times in my life. i dont believe in different forms of GODS(i mean, many versions of GOD's), but i do strongly believe in a unanimous power above us. as "Ashaji" said, just surrender under god. he will take care of ur problem at the end.

  3. yeah! its amazing feeling to give ur control to god & just relax and take the things as it comes.
