Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beautiful People!

How important the question “am I good looking Or beautiful?” for you. You ask girls about their new year resolutions and you likely to get answers like I want to reduce weight, maintain prefect figure, some even want to get that size zero like Kareena, some flawless skin like kat, blah ..blah... Its not only the girls but the new age metro-sexual men who are leading the race. Don’t believe me switch on the idiot box in your room and see of yourself starting from deo, shaving creams , whitening creams never ending list of cosmetics.

I am not saying all these is bad or its wrong and that I don’t make stupid resolution like this. Yes I do like most of the idiots in the lot. As someone told to me “If you can’t take care of your body , how can you take care of other things in life”. Its also true. We should respect and take care of something so nice that we have. But there is a very fine line between taking care of self and becaming a self obsessed.

But whats the limit of this madness. I am sure you guys also must have been come across certain situations when this madness has really really became dangerous.

One of my friend told me its human tendency to like EVEN over ODDS, Fairer skin as compare to darker one, good looking people as compare to not so good looking people.

Well I was reading Mrs Indira Gandhi’s Biography when she was in her teens one of her aunt commented about her looks and dark circle under eyes. This remark went so deep into her mind that she was suffering from inferiority complex all through her life but she overcame these complexities and became very successful in later stage of her life.

I know a college friend of mine who is so nice hearted and good looking also but i don’t know what garbage has gone into her mind that she feels that No one will like her; people will comment about her , her body at all that crap; Even to this day she is unwilling to meet anyone new and try to avoid ceremonies where many people would recognize her . Once she even tried to avoid an award ceremony where she was going to get recognization for her hard work and dedication in AMG of her office but with lot of courage she went there and all she got was praise from everyone present there.

And Why I am writing this article in my blog is because very recently I went to a beauty Salon and a little incident happen that shook me and forced me to write this blog. While I was waiting for my turn a lady with her teenage daughter came there ; the in-charge of the salon came to them . I was going through some magazine and overheard their conversion, it seems they were going through some treatments sessions.

The girl may be of 13-14 yrs was suffering from excessive hair growth on her face and even after 4-5 sittings as the salon had promised the hair growth has not ceased. The In-charge told you should do a harmonal test once. The mother told her that we have done that and doctor says there is nothing to be worried about. Then I looked at the girl, she was a little plump , big eyes and a thick glass on her face it remind me of my teenage except for those big eyes. I didn’t figured out anything wrong in her face .The In-charge again open her big bad mouth and said even eunuch who cames for this kind of treatment gets results in few sitting , she is a girl and should not have this much facial hair growth. I could see tears coming out of the little girls eyes.

I felt very bad and could not bear to listen further the conversion and I interrupted the In-charge and ask “how much more time it will take , can I have a cup of coffee please”. By then I realised how much and what kind of harassment each day the poor girl has to go through.

Why the hell we comment on others look, dressing etc and why the hell we are so bothered about others comment so much. This message is for you sweetheart “Feel proud of whatever you have and thank God, Many can’t see, many can’t hear, many people don’t have the liberty to play or dance like you even if they want , Many people can’t sing or talk like you do“

Einstein was not as handsome as a Tom Cruise or a Brad pit but history of mankind will remember Einstein more than any handsome guy in the planet . By any means I am not saying that Einstein was not good looking but his looks are very trivial considering his works . Even Tom Cruise or Brad Pit is known because of their acting skills than their good looks.

I think beauty/good looks are Superficial thing; its just a cover , only once the cover is removed then we can see the real things.Everyone has something , something special that god has given to us, just try to find out the special thing in you and believe me people will remember you for that.


  1. :) good one... so madam.. i guess your account balance is gonns shoot up high... no more trips to the parlour anymore right ;) ... nor to the gymn ;)...

    Jokes apart.. nicely written... :)


  2. Ranjeeta dear

    You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    Love you :)

    If All People In The World Think Like You there will never be racism. And I know the day will come very soon.

    Regards And Love

  3. Vashima says ..
    good blog..touched a variety of human emotions...way to delight us and right more..

    dint have an account hence cld not leave comment on the blog

  4. "All of us do have equal talents, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents" : J. F Kennedy.

    As rightly said humans do have natural tendency to like EveN or ODDS but it's always short lived/temporal in nature or at least has less weightage ; at the end what matters/remains is the real qualities within.

    Though Katrian kaif is hot but I will not watch her latest flcik TMK (got released today) after going through it's review just for her sake. ( BTW I would have thoughtif Konkana Sen was thr !!!).

    It's important that as an individual, one need not pay heed to such useless commnets from others. We cannot stop others from comenting but we can nullify that by ignoring it and focussing on other real and useful comments.

    I still remain puzzeled that how anybody/somebody can make nasty comments about something which is beyond our control.

    I would like to share one incident which happened in one of IBM Labs Award ceremony anual function in 2008. Arvind Krishna ( WW Head of IBM IM division) was giving away the prizes.He named "Mohan C Mohan" ( IBM Research Chief Scientist, now currently at Texas ) in one of the categories ( Year best business invention ). To all of our surprise he came on stage and stood at one corner wearing a sleeper and simple untucked shirt and trouser. Arvind came all along from other side and gave him the prize in midst of all standing ovation. He was brain behind breaking "pentaflop calculation" limit in IBM processor !!!!!!!!.

    Ranjeeta : Nice thought and topic......keep writing and smiling ....u r best at that.........TC and wish you all the best in all your furure endeavours.....MK...

  5. Mrits nice one ! common man I feel like you have all the potential to start a blog and expressing yourself :)

  6. Hey dear,
    I just loved this blog...
    Nice topic n nicely written...
    Keep writting nice blogs.. :)

  7. Some Bangaloreans have also shared their views........""
