Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mr Snob to Mr Generous! --part 4

 RLIC office Mumbai , March 2008..

I Join Reliance as Asst Manager with little knowledge about Oracle Database, No knowledge about the ETL and absolutely no Knowledge about the PORTAL which I suppose to take care . 

One day the testing Guy  comes to me and say  “ See these are the issues in the new reports and I have been updating the defect sheets but the developer don’t seems to be bothered”. “ Lemme just go through the reports once and the defect sheets”. After going through the reports I realized, yes these are bugs and needs to handle and Mr Developer didn’t  even bother to revert back to this gentleman’s defects.
So I decided to take the issue to my Boss “MM”.

It was late afternoon My Boss was having conversation with the IBM manager, we summon Mr Jay the Developer also to address the issue. Then there after was a heated discussion with all the parties blaming each other . Finalyy it was decided that IBM will fix the bugs reported.Me and testing Guy came back to our Desks and there was great feeling as if we have won a Battle against some mighty King!!

 Within 10 mins the Testing Guy came running to me and said “ Hey Ranjeeta look what Mr Developer has done!” .  He showed me the reports and the Advisors Monthly Performance Report was displaying

So I geared up for another round of discussion . I immediately took the snapshot and pasted in a word document , opened my lotus notes and shoot a mail to ‘MM’ then rush downstair to my Boss  and concerned manager. When I reached there MM was trying hard to be serious and controlling his laughter. The concern Manager looked at me and said “ O! Its very wrong , I will talk to Mr Jay about this and I must admit Mr tester is really doing a good Job”. I was thinking so where is Mr Jay who was responsible for all this Mess and got to know that he had already called it a day and  relaxing in his Guest House. I thought  what a snob this Guy is and like all his team members he thinks all RLIC Managers are fool with zero or non technical knowledge have to teach him a lesson. Slowly things changed , heated arguments became a decent technical conversations and slowly slowly everyone became comfortable and one fine Day we made the reports LIVE!!! 

One after other project and I realise Mr Jay is not a snob by any means.

July 2010, Mumbai
One fine day I called Mr Jay  for a help “Hey Jay I am coming to Blr for an interview ! could you help me with some details....
Mr Jay “ Yes Offcourse....................”

Sep 2010, Bangalore

Hey Jay I m in Blr and I need to find an accommodation, Pl z help me in getting one”.  
 “ Don’t worry Ranjeeta  Appko Bangalore me thikane lagana meri responsibility  hai and surely I help you”.   Believe me Mr Jay googled all the Girl’s  PG available near my office and called all the possible agents to get me an accomodation. Finally I got a decent accomodation.After coming to Blr I realised what a perfect Gentleman is Mr Jay and its not because he helped me but he is really a kind and a generous person. You made my dark , boring , away from home this diwali into twinkling bright HaPpY Diwali..You are a real true Friend  and feel blessed to have a friend like you.   

Gyan I Got :- Never To judge a book by its Cover!               
:- Don't be judgmental or prejudice about anyone or any things. Just a little change in the angle very thing changes..

 P.s.   Jay you also fall into my category of peoples who dare to dream so many things and  make plans every single day and deep inside we know someday we will make all our plans successful . Cheers!!! Have a nice year end and very promising new Year 2011.

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