Tuesday, December 7, 2010

LucKy Friend + Ante + FAALE --year that was part 3

It was during my low phase time, every single thing going against me. Not happy with the job, recession , a really big strange city. I still remember my conversion with Faale in canteen.

Me : “ I don’t like this job. I don’t like this place. I don’t like anything and this bloody recession.”

Faale: “ Hey dear have some patience. God knows what he is doing believe in god.”

Me :” I don’t believe in God. Nothing call God exist. If God is there that he does not like me at all. Why all the bad things are happening to me. I want to leave this job and this place.No interview calls, even if some interview happens they don’t reject me but they don’t select me either. You know I had a fight with that “%%&&@###” and I don’t wish to work here anymore. I am not happy. This week I m going for IBM interview, I hope I crack that and then next week ,I have an L&T interview

Faale: “Ok if possible I will meet after the interview this staurday. Good Luck and prepare well for the interview.”

The interview went well but by the time HR round was due it was quite late and the panel left before the HR interview. The placement consultancy inform that they will intimate whenever the HR round will happen, which means its quite possible that it may never happened also. I was terribly upset and down.

Same evening,Faale came to meet me at the venue, I told him everything. “ why the hell your God is doing all these things too me”. He does not want me to be happy. You see all these months everything which is bad is happening to me.Everytime I made up my mind to give it a try and be happy , everytime something unwanted happens. You told me the same IBM thing happen to you also last time and HR round never happened. I am so very upset. If god does not want my happiness , then why the hell he is keeping me alive?.

 Faale just said “ leave it don’t worry , Monday is your L&T interview Just think about it and go for it. Let me help you to get a rickshaw so that you go home and relax now”.

Monday I came early to office open my laptop and told Faale that I am going for interview to L&T office , you manage here. Faale as usual “don’t worry ma, I will Take care”.

When I reached L&T office , I got a sms from faale “ Check your bag’s front pocket, your good time is waiting for you”. I open it and there was a beautiful wrist watch . I was very touched by this gesture and to honor his feeling i wore the watch in my right hand instead of my left hand as i do normally.

And yes Indeed my time changed. I cleared the L&T interview and the very same day I got call from IBM for HR round discussion. After that I got call from 7-8 companies for interview and I cleared all of them and every interview I wore my lucky watch in my right hand.

Faale you gave me a lucky Rs5 coin and its still in my wallet.

I realise its not the lucky things but your good wishes which were lucky for me. Today you are far away in some other place and we will hardly meet in future also but "Faale" ! U rocks yaar. I will never get a honest friend like you. You are the best !! 

“Oye Lucky ! lucky Oye””....


  1. u r indeed a lucky girl to get ur friends wishes in the form of luck....infact ur faale's wishes are making u a lucky girl and that too also god's fav now...

    I too have many good friends...but not like ur faale...

    treasure ur friendship for lifetime

  2. U r Awesome Faale is a Awesome Friend and thanks for making me feel you lucky and blessed :)
