Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Discovery of Friend (phoolwala)—part 2

This story is of a friend I have know for years but i think I have re-discover him this year and got to learn so many small yet big things.

Flashback ..Somewhere in Nov 2002

Hey Nice Performance ..A rose for you”. I was shocked to get red rose first time from a stranger and did n’t know what to do. But it is always great feeling to be admire by someone. I liked it because it was the first time in my life someone gifting me a Red ROSE and I immediately took it without giving much of a thought. As soon as i took the rose as many as 40 odd classmates and juniors clapping , cheering and shouting.

I was thinking “OMG whether I have done right or wrong? What they must be thinking ? oh God I hope the guy does not think something odd about my behavior” ..Oh gosh I hope no professor was near or know about it , my goody-two-shoe image will shattered now“.

Somewhere I was happy that a guy has the guts to give a Red rose and I can show off it to my friends and tell them that I m not a boring gal or a book worm Type. Later my Best friend told me that the Guy was from their state and from our batch but different department. Later same function the guy asked me for a dance and I accepted immediately. I don’t know whether it was good or bad but i enjoyed that 

This incident became very popular with my friends and they got a very valid reason to tease me as i always use to do so.Days passed and after a year I left college and join my new college for higher studies. I never got a chance to talk to Mr Phoolwala again.

Thanks to Social networking sites , I got in touch with Mr Phoolwala again with simple Hi/Hello /Bye in orkut and face book. We exchanged our numbers and talked once in a blue moon. Time passed I got into different jobs, different Family responsibilities and started liking someone I thought good enough to understand me and stand with me. Life was good and everything seems to be like fairy tale till now.

Then trouble started and my dreamland was shattered. Dark clouds all over with no sunshine. I was left with a broken relationship . I was all alone in a crowded city. I never thought life can be that cruel to me. Life was miserable now, No hopes , no dreams. I just wanted to leave everything and run away but where? I distant myself from everyone including people with whom I always so close. I stopped replying to mails, visiting to social networks, recieving and making calls. This went on from couple of months.

After much help from some of my still existing friends, I decided to come out of shell and restart my life and try to make it beautiful and meaningul. First thing i thought was to reconnect to all the people with whom i have disconnected myself with any reason.

During one of the assignment of “ Mission Reconnect” I called up Mr Phoolwala.

One evening somewhere in Apr-May this year, I dialed a number and a very familar voice from other side said “Hello”. I said “Its me Ranjeeta, Do you remember me?”. Yeah I remember you Civil department topper . Do you remember the last time when I called you and what did you said that time?. “ Sorry I don’t remember , many things happen in between . You tell me.
Last time when I called you , you said "I am in a meeting and will call me after sometime: And look at you calling me after 1 year 6months!!"
 Gosh why you didn’t call me all these years.

I Got the reply “I was waiting for your call”.

It was begining of good friendship , Now Any time I feel like talking to someone close I can always call my Phoolwala friend . Who stills thinks I am partially Matured rather than Fully Matured !!

P.S : Dear Mr Phoolwala, I have really weakness for flowers and flowers always bring happiness and joy that day I couldn’t thank you but today I would like to thank you and the above pics will also remind something :)

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